The WTS has declared the end is near so many times even assigning a year for it; you can only yell "wolf" so many times and there is no "wolf" before people stop believing the warning.
Half hearted JWs compared to past generations
by JohnR1975 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Beth Sarim
I think the Borg has had themselves bitten in the ass a few times too many.
Now by producing videos about not putting a "date'' on things.
Perhaps they have learned from this as evident by producing such videos.
We have a situation where they created the problem and provide the solution.
Over the long years, it would be fair to say that the expectations of the Brotherhood has changed.
Due to technological changes (in the form of TV, movies and the net) the horrors of WW1, WW2, the Korean and Vietnam wars have remained the high consciousnesses of people, the new system dream was something that many though may be desirable and attainable ... and worth the effort to pursue. And to be also fair about it, you can make a scriptural case for it.
However as time has moved on and number of failed prophecies mounted up, most Witnesses over the last two or three generations have slowly begun to see the practicality of putting less into the Organization and more into their own lives. And its easy to see by listening to conversations at the local Hall. While no witness will ever deny the reality of the 'new order', the talk of going on holidays, going out to restaurants, buying clothes or cars and other normal stuff shows what are now their main concerns.
Why? Its because the Faith now demands too much but offers too little in return.
Compare being a Witness to that of most other Adventist or Pentecostal religions and you will see that the others offer a much more vibrant social scene, and specific groups and organized association to help our young. Often their Churches and Cathedrals are beautiful structures to meditate and worship in, filling people appropriately with a spirit of quietness and humility. Our Kingdom Halls on the other hand, have as much Holy Spirit as a cheap shopping center, evidenced by the fact that once our meetings are over, most are gone as soon as the concluding pray is said and done.
So ... are our Halls filled with half-hearted people? Of course.But who is to blame for the spirit of boredom and drudgery we feel out in the service or meetings ... the Governing Body is of course. After all, they made it that way (or at least allowed it to develop) and are now too weak to make changes where it really counts.
I had two sisters at my door yesterday. They were maybe late twenties in age and very sweet. They didn't accomplish their agenda with me, because I began sharing with them that I was raised by an elder and a pioneer but now I am a born again Christian. I told them how much joy that brings me. I could see on their faces that their lives weren't joyful. They left saying, "Well, we respect your views. Thank you for being nice to us!" I gathered they aren't treated too nicely by most people they talk to. I truly felt bad for them and hope some of the things I pointed out, like the constant new light, gets them thinking.
All of this will thankfully hasten the demise of the J.W Org.
Basically the Rank and File J.W's are the Workforce of a Business Corporation. A bored and unmotivated Workforce produces the minimum possible to remain in the Employ of the Corporation. Such Corporations File for Bankruptcy in short order if they do not turn things around.
That is what we are seeing looming for the Org. now, moribund as is all Organised Religion, but also having a failed Business Model, they cannot go on much longer. Yes, with all the Tax breaks etc. they will limp on longer than the conventional business, but their days ARE numbered !
If you’re willing do anything for appearances…
…eventually, you’ll do everything for appearances.
Beth Sarim
People pleasing!!
I have seen this happen with my very PIMI JW parent. Even with the advent of Zoom, and him been fully dressed, to now only been dressed to the point where the camera can see. I’m actually the one who pushes him to go to the physical meetings, because I think that physical contact is good for him. A few weeks back was his district assembly. On the Sunday of the convention, he suddenly decides he won’t go as he has previously seen it on zoom. So we went shopping in the convention city in stead. I all my days I never thought I would ever witness this. I thought this might be an awakened moment for him, but alas this wasn’t to be. Lol. Before the tick the box for FS, he was writing letters. As this could be a measure of his reliance on Jehovah AKA Watchtower. After the tick the box for FS he barely does that. It must be months since he last physically went out in FS. I sort of don’t mind this really as he’s advanced in years. At least with letter writing, and standing aimlessly at a cart, it keeps his mind ticking over, and gives him exercise delivering his letters.
That is my attitude to to J.W relatives and old J.W friends who I feel need the membership of the Org. for their own well-being.
To these ones, it would be devastating if they did not have the association and activity involved in being a member, as they have NOTHING ELSE in life, having been subject all their lives to the strict, extremely rigid control of the Org.
If they left, or even became merely inactive and non-attenders, they would lose the respect they have from their fellow J.W's, and the support and friendship they have from them, which as we know, is entirely dependent upon you being seen as a "strong" member.
But as you showed Joe, all of that can remain, with little or virtually no real effort anymore for those who wish to take J.W life a little easier. It is now no problem, your fellow J.W's will either think you are doing more than you are, or if they are aware you are doing a little less than in past years, will make excuses for you.
Again , this will hasten the demise of the Org, but at least those J.W's who are as I described above may live out their lives retaining their support network, and have peace of mind.
Best thing is to have other things in your life and something like your local congregation adding something valuable to your life. But not relying on your congregation to bring value to your life.
at the moment JWs need the congregation but I can see in the future it will be similar to most other religions and churches where everyone is halfhearted and just go to place of worship occasionally