I tend to look at things in a utilitarian way. It seems like thousands of immigrants coming at once would take a lot of resources to process, house, feed, care for their health, etc. with little in return. Some seem to see the US as the Jesus of the world, the savior that can cure all of the ills, while at the same time demonizing the country. It's a weird dichotomy.
If we have to take in all of these people, how many more will come? Can our society handle all of that financially? What about integrating all of these people in, finding them work and schools and such?
Compassion is a beautiful thing. Taken too far it becomes codependency, which is unhealthy.
I look around at all of the problems we have taking care of our own. If my family struggles and you bring me a pack of kids to adopt, adoption being a noble thing in theory, it could be disastrous.
I know as a white male I'm the devil to some just like immigrants are the devil to others, but all of that is bullshit to me and secondary to the utility of all of this, the practicality. Where does it stop? Why have borders become so evil in our culture? Boundaries can be a very healthy thing. I guess I just feel like we need to work on ourselves as a country before we take in others.