America has invaded countries like a virus all over the Middle East in recent years, with guns, tanks, jets and the worlds most technologically advanced weaponry. This they did with impunity and little interest in what other people thought. They were protecting their own interests, be it security and or oil and some would say that was their prerogative. If I don't agreee with it, I will still admit to understanding it.
Despite this view, a caravan of non-white desperate men, women and children, carrying what little they have remaining is causing hysterics to these same Americans. They have no guns, no tanks, no jets..... they barely have anything.
Alex Jones or Roger Stone will tell you I'm sure, George Soros is bussing them in as a political hit job and to back an invasion..... utter twaddle.... the utter lack of insight and humanity to call it an invasion. Afghanistan and Iraq lost hundreds of thousands of civilians to American led coallition insirgencies ....or invasions. How many Americans will die from this caravan?
Utter nonsense.
Just as America acted to secure their own interests, so are these people. I have no doubt that if some of the Caravan fearmongers lived in the same countries, they too would carry their kids to a land of safety, democracy and opportunity at any cost.
I have NO DOUBT that this caravan is peppered with people that have bad intentions, that have done bad things. I don't believe for a second that this Caravan has political initiation, but even if I let you have it, that George Soros kicked the whole thing off for some convoluted, weak political agenda... for sure, people with real needs, real fears and seeking real hope have joined that Caravan.
It's ok to say that you don't think America should be a sanctuary for people in need, people that are desperate. Just be prepared to be considered a bit of a douche. Let's say that 95% of the caravan is a political invasion of evil foreign men ... shouldn't you be saying ....let's seek the 5% that need our help? I hear no Democrats saying "let them all in!" I hear them say, let them apply for asylum and see if it's granted based on their application as is law in most countries including America....... seems reasonable.