the destruction of Babylon the Great will be all countries willingly giving power to UN....I thought Babylon the Great was the Empire of False Religion what was going to be destroyed. Maybe I will see a clip somewhere for context of the statement because from where I am sitting "all countries" and "world empire of false religions" are two different animals so to speak. So is this lightening up on religions>-an after thought
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by ukpimo 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
the destruction of Babylon the Great will be all countries willingly giving power to UN....I thought Babylon the Great was the Empire of False Religion what was going to be destroyed. Maybe I will see a clip somewhere for context of the statement because from where I am sitting "all countries" and "world empire of false religions" are two different animals so to speak.
Good point. That was my understanding too - that they already implicitly taught that all the nations will give their support to the UN to destroy Babylon the Great, although they tended to keep the explicit statement about nations coming together for the bit after BTG is destroyed and they turn on the JWs who are left. But it's surely always been implicit in the teaching of the destruction of "the harlot" that all the nations will unite to attack "her", so this is not really a new teaching, unless there is more detail in the talk that's not been stated.
Interesting about the two new GB members, and the seemingly softened stance over rising partaker numbers. It really does sound like this could be a prelude to changing ideas about the 144,000 in the near future, if they're willing to accept larger numbers now.
And it does sound like maybe they're aiming to get back to 12 GB members, since that number is scripturally significant.
Between 1972 and 1975, the Governing Body was enlarged to 18 members.
Beth Sarim
11 dudes now.
Whichever is more cost effective. The cost. You look at 11 dudes at the top. Basically living for free.
Circiut overseers.
Zone overseers,,,, all these people all guys live for free.
As you get older you have to factor in medical & stuff like that,,,,,
The WT must think about this stuff....
They did away with Zone overseers and District overseers a few years ago. But yes, there are COs, Bethelites, GB "helpers" and the GB themselves that would fall under that category.
Although as we've seen, COs and Bethelites - especially the latter - are subject to being dumped if and when the top brass feel like it. So the only ones who are secure are the GB and their "helpers", as long as they don't step out of line like AMIII apparently did!
Gerrit Lӧsch announced that two additional brothers have been appointed to serve as members of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses: Brothers Jody Jedele and Jacob Rumph.
Probably putting new ones in place now because a few old ones may step down before they kill over (or for when they do). These guys don't look the healthiest.
Change of understanding: The destruction of Babylon the Great will be all countries willingly giving their power over to the united nations to destroy it.
That is no change, they have always claimed that as well as the Scriptures.
[Revelation Climax – As John soon learns, the time will come when the UN will act with considerable authority. Then it, in its turn, “goes off into destruction.”]
[6-15-12 WT – Any power it (8th king/U.N.) has comes from its member nations, especially from its key backer, the Anglo-American World Power. (Rev. 17:10, 11) But it does receive authority to act as a king to carry out a specific task, one that triggers a chain of events that will change history.]
[12 “The ten horns that you saw mean ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings for one hour with the wild beast. 13 These have one thought, so they give their power and authority to the wild beast. 16 And the ten horns that you saw and the wild beast, these will hate the prostitute and will make her devastated and naked, and they will eat up her flesh and completely burn her with fire. 17 For God put it into their hearts to carry out his thought, yes, to carry out their one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast, until the words of God will have been accomplished.]
upkimo: Change of understanding: The destruction of Babylon the Great will be all countries willingly giving their power over to the united nations to destroy it.
What happens if the BRICS bloc keeps growing to the point of potentially leading to a fragmentation of influence that could weaken the UN's authority as we know it?
In such speculative scenario, will the WTS rewrite its interpretation?
Why don't the religious leaders everywhere just admit their knowledge of biblical prophecy is not much better than that of its subjects?
Beth Sarim
I still have my original 1988 copy of Revelation Climax book and you'll have to tear it from me
Before the Borg sided with the UN in 1992.
Then was found out in 2001. Before they revised the Revelation Climax book & subsequently dumped it.
duran...I can see the countries giving their power to the wild beast. I think 193 countries have signed onto the 2030 agenda. ( not taking time to verify that.) but I am qutie sure Babylon the Great was identified as the world empire of false religion. So then maybe the thought behind the statement is when the nations give the power to the UN, then it destroys Babylon the great ( religion ) Again, I guess I need to find a clip of the talk to get the context.