Helicopter just reported down

by chachasmum 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • dubla
    About losing, I think that's where you're wrong. No super power has retained the title forever, history proves that. So there will come a day when you will lose.

    that day could come at some point.....i was speaking of the current war when i said "we cannot lose". you were giving us an "arab ambush" theory, and if youd like to put some money down, ill give you pretty generous odds, lol.


  • foreword

    well i guess i'm not gonna put money where my mouth is......lol

    But thanks for the generous offer...so nice of you...but knowing myself and my abilities to predict, i'd probably lose my shirt....

    I'll go watch CNN and report back with my ambush theory, I know it doesn't make sense but it would be quite the twist if it did happen....

    At least I don't need to spend a whole lot of money on action movie rentals....

    I wonder if they'll get the guy though. Or should I say, will they get the right guy. We might end up with 3 or more Saddams....total Bush nightmare...hehe

  • Realist


    first of all german is really not that bad once you get used to it!

    now seriously...if the people wouldn't have followed blindly the various kings and pseudodemocrats into the first world war than millions and millions of people wouldn't have died a senseless death.

    there are situations sometimes that make it necessary to protect ones country...but these occations are very rare in history and the war against iraq is certainly not one of these occations.

  • dubla
    there are situations sometimes that make it necessary to protect ones country...

    and this is the reason our soldiers join up to begin with. again, you are making this about choices and agendas, which have nothing to do with the reasons for being a soldier. once you join the armed forces, you dont choose which battles to take part in, thats where youre confused. the soldiers dont have to agree with why we are there, and some of them probably dont. obviously its a tough concept for you to grasp, so you choose to just believe the soldiers are "brainwashed" into believing bushs "bs".


  • Realist


    in principle i agree.

    however the problem is that there was not one war over the last 150 years were the US had to protect itself. it was criminal foreign politics that got the US into the various wars.

    today some soldiers might disagree with this war but the vast majority (as far as i can tell) supports it and bush. just look at the people on this webpage affilitated with the military (yeru, dakota, crazy, etc.) have you heard one single critical comment about bush from them? i havn't. have you heard one critical comment about this war from the soldiers that have been interviewed? i haven't...neither on US, german, british or austrian TV.

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