Helicopter just reported down

by chachasmum 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • dubla


    with your logic, no one should ever join the military, and we should let the leaders of our country figure it out without armed forces. thank god thats not how reality is, or i could be speaking german right now.


  • foreword

    Well if you see that giving your life for oil is a good choice, live with it and don't come crying to me.

    I see many more critical agendas facing our country than that of economic prosperity. The money spent on war right now would fix many problems here.

    As far as defending our country, I think many agree that that is bull&hit. You guys talk about liberating a people from it's dictator. Think about liberating your country from dictators within. Look at your country and it's civilians and you'll see that quite a few hardworking individuals have a hard time to make ends meet, because of the tax and insurance dictators.

    Free your citizens from the monetary holds of corporations and ect., then you can go liberate someone else. You have no business there whatsoever. Events like 9/11 are just a result of your sticking your nose in other peoples business and playing the good guy while all along you were after the control of their resources. And then you claim self-defence when they react to your hidden agendas.

    Stay home, you've got plenty to fix here. And if the Iraqis can't get rid of Saddam themselves maybe it's cause they don't feel the need to do it yet. Besides he's no threat to this nation, he might be a sick puppy, to that I agree, but anyone using explosives to kill others is just as sick as him.

    I think the Arabs are hauling you in and will surround you after you have surrounded Bagdahd. There has been very little military reaction to your moves, they are just waiting for you to set yourself up. Your military will be put to shame, if not by the Arabs, by the rest of the world.

    You say you have Allies, but your allies are only US ass wipes that comprise of little nations. The major powers don't agree with you.

  • dubla
    Well if you see that giving your life for oil is a good choice, live with it and don't come crying to me.

    youre making this "choice" all about the current war, which it isnt. check my explanation of joining the military in my above post.


  • Elsewhere

    @ forword

    I think the Arabs are hauling you in and will surround you after you have surrounded Bagdahd

    Yeah right.

  • foreword

    Elsewhere, don't you roll your eyes at me....lol

    Just having fun predicting, sort of like my inherited past as a jdud. But it would be such a funny thing if that were to happen, I can just see the US coming back home with their tails between their legs.

    With sports I have always rooted against the obvious super powers, to which, in my own experience, have fallen more than once to their own ego stricken infallability. And I love to see self indulged a..holes fall from their superior positions.

    Maybe you have the best equipment, but war is not won by equipment alone, it's won by guts, and I don't see you guys hungry for justice. You are just fighting cause you think you can't lose. Your soldiers are a generation of video game players where dying means you just start the game over. When it starts getting hot, they will &hit in their pants cause they think they can fight at a distance through PC monitors. Wars are won by the nitty gritty and I don't believe US soldiers have the nerves today to face that reality.

    They'll be surprised to find there is no reset button.

    Sorry to be such a troll, but hey, I love to stir up trouble.

  • dubla
    You are just fighting cause you think you can't lose.

    well, thats not why we are fighting, but it is true that we cannot lose.


  • foreword


    I agree with you somewhat. I don't think I'd want to speak german either, but I don't think the Iraqis want to speak english.

    You are being the aggressor.

    About losing, I think that's where you're wrong. No super power has retained the title forever, history proves that. So there will come a day when you will lose. Most super powers have lost because they were indulging in luxuries and became gutless.

    One of the US' most popular sport right now is the WWE. Men who have to fake to pretend they are tough. What is it, do they fear pain that much that they can't fight for real. Big Babies, that's what I say. And you allow this to be presented to your kids and be their schooling of thought. Pretty bad.

  • berten

    Dubla wrote:
    >with your logic, no one should ever join the military,
    > and we should let the leaders of our country figure it out without armed forces...

    Yeah,imagine that:Bush and Saddam fighting it out in a boxing match
    organized in a neutral country and televized for all to see.
    Suppose they gave a war and nobody came to fight it,
    then your leader Bush would certainly not be so quick to declare war on someone.
    I just heard a while ago that he did not even do any army service!
    But he expects others to fight,the hypocrite...

  • foreword

    Pro US people are like Jdubs, they make themselves scarse when they can't win an argument.

    They know they're wrong, talk the big tough Bush talk, argue a little, then move on cause their arguments don't stand.

    Saddam offered a debate with Bush, the wuss was so scared. He claimed it wasn't serious.

    But it would be fun to see a fight between the two.....

    After Saddam's first punch, Bush would probably say "hey, you can't do that",

    go cry to daddy rich boy.

  • rocketman

    I know Copters are needed for combat, for obvious reasons.....but they sure do crash a lot.

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