When I was a child, many so-called anointed were in their 40s-60s. So not sure what changed since, the eschatological argument has been changed since that the 144k are exclusively their little group of 7 and the apostles, perhaps a few heretics like Tindale if they want to claim some succession, so at most about 100-1000 people qualified in history, they have thousands of years to go before they are sealed … and then the end will come.
by raymond frantz 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
thisIsNotMe: I'm confused by this. There is NO process. They pick whoever they think fits best and that's it.
That has always been the way the GB/F&DS operates. Russell, Rutherford, Knorr... all well known for shaping the organization as they pleased. Heck, Rutherford took control literally over Russell's dead body.
The selection of relatively young men is a sign that they're prepared to be in for the long haul. For all the talk about how close the end is, the older GB members know that they'll pass away in the 'present system of things' and will not see an event that isn't ever destined to happen. They're leaning into the grift. Someone has to manage Ramapo, after all...
The GB picks people who have been carefully conditioned to do whatever the GB says. And some of those people where did not claim to be anointed till later in their life, and some at a very young age, and demonstrated blind obedience to the WTS. I have lived through almost 70 years of the WTS propaganda and back to 1920 my family were Bible Students, then jws. Jws follow men whether they realize it or not. Some feel they conduit to Jesus and God is the WTS. Sad!
. . . . . but with everything we are witnessing taking place on the world scene we CAN BE CERTAIN that The End™ is very, very, soon. We are surely™ living in the final seconds of the final minute of the last day of The Last Days™.
Why do they call them The Last Days?
Because they last, and they last, and they last, and . . . . .
I wouldn't worry about radical changes occurring within the Organization due to the appointment of Jedele and Rumph because Fleegle and Winder have now been with us for two years, and its still been 'situation normal'.
This is due (in big part) to the fact those in power generally appoint like minded replacements and never push radicals high up the decision making ladder. Its just human nature.
Of course in time Jedele and Rump may tinker around the edges of the Society, but its going to take some time to acclimate into their new roles. But once they begin to feel the power and prestige of being a GB member, I'm sure that they will think quite hard about decisions that could erode their own authority.
My question is this:
Now that these 2, plus the other 2 that were appointed, what? In the past year? How long will it take them to "fatten up" like Mark Sanderson and Geoffrey Jackson, and the late great Anthony Moron da Turd, now that they're sitting pretty up in the Ivory WatchTower on their thrones, with their every whim and desire taken care of for them? They're not out in the Bethel Factory or even in the Service Dept anymore tolling away 10 hours a day. Nope! They're in the big Board Room now!!!! How long until we see them "pork up" and also start wearing some of the GB "Crown Jewels" from the infamous "Vault" were they have rings, coins, watches? The only guy I see not wearing that crap is Ray Lucionne, because he actually has some good taste and doesn't buy crap clothes off the rack. He gets fitted tailored suits! But how long till they show up wearing Rolexes, gold cuff links, etc?
Wonder how many complimentary bottles of McCallens they received upon their appointment? lol
Beth Sarim
They'll be fattening up like you would not believe fast.
They dont have to work for a living.
All their rich meals are ready for them 1st thing in morning with a cup of coffee & treated like rock stars.
I wondering if they will be giving autographs, signing books (haha)
WT is going into their Scientology phase. They are property rich and low on membership drives. They are anticipating the loss of the older JW's and nobody replacing them, so they just don't care about the members and will now focus on how they can cash in on their property holdings. Jody Jedele is going to take them places they want to go.
What does anyone say about Jacob Rumph? It looks like he is a Gilead graduate who was slid in there to distract from Jody....or he's expected to do all the travel work of speaking. -
Yes, it’s obvious to the Witness religion that when the Baby Boomers pass away, that’s it.
I don’t believe these people will be replaced and nobody would have the loyalty or die-hard attitude they do. That’s a thing of the past.
I believe (as some do) that the JW religion is going totally (or almost) totally online once they sell off all the Kingdom Halls.. Maybe keep an assembly hall here and there?? Only problem is the few rank & file JWs left behind who will have no physical hall to regularly go to.
This would be quite an adjustment for these Witnesses whose whole life revolved around the religion! ..The rest of us here on the Forum are glad we got out ages ago.