If you are going to use the logic of 'well weve done it before' then by all means, lets Nuke the bastards and get it over with.
Iraq Parades dead US soldiers
by ISP 102 Replies latest social current
The issue is that such types of warfare are illegal. There is a good reason why they are illegal: they put innocent civillians and sincere surrendering troops in danger. Think about it.
yes they are illegal...just wondering how it comes that the french resistance etc. were viewed as absolutely legal during WWII? i guess it always depends what side is doing the killings and who is getting killed.
I guess it depends on the tactics used. Did the Germans have a legal right to invade France? Were the French people fighting for their own country, or was the government trying to use its civillians as human shields? I think the answer is quite obvious.
i was refering to:
Simon, have you not read about the 10 marines killed in a battle that was started when supposedly "surrendering" Iraqi soldiers opened fire on them?
not the human shield issue.
france declared war on germany...so i guess germany had the right to invade.
french guerilla killed the germans by shooting them in the back. so this is exactly what is descirbed above. it should be condemnd in both cases.
Hell, I have no problem condemning the French!
Sorry I wasn't able to respond earlier...I was at work and am unable to post there..something about this new format and my computer..they don't seem to like each other
As far as the difference between the flag that TR is posting a the ribbon...maybe I should have explained a bit better...
As far as I am aware a yellow ribbon is a symbol for hope..hope that a loved one will return...they tie them around trees for missing children...any loved one that might be in danger..it is just a hope for a safe return...I didn't see where that ribbon had been altered in any way to depict a pro-war agenda. I did like the green one Robyn had that indicated a safe return for EVERYONE...personally that is my feeling...I listened to a radio program this morning interviewing an Iraq officer who had defected after the Gulf war and apparently according to him most of the "regular" army is forced into service and their families would suffer if they did not serve..I feel for them and hope for their safe return to their familes also.
As for the American Flag...it to is a symbol..of our Country...people like my father and Dakota fought for what that symbol represented and had friends die for it...people like Shiela have loved ones who are fighting for it now...to alter this symbol to fit the agenda of the anti-war crowd to me is to disrespect that symbol...I am not an avid flag waver..but I do believe in giving respect to the men and women who fought and died for my country.
Funny thing one to the things that bothered me as a JW was the lack of respect show for the flag...the JW's were willing to take full advantage of the freedom offered by this country but refused to give any respect to the symbol of it., I am not talking worship here but just simple respect. I get that same feel from the people who take full advantage of the fact that they have the freedom to protest but deny the people who fought and died to ensure that freedom for them and others a little respect.
So as far as I am concerned anyway there is a VAST difference in displaying a ribbon showing hope for the return of loved ones and displaying a flag altered to fit someone's agenda. Hope this helps you understand why...lol and don't worry I don't expect everyone to agree with me
Refiners - I find the mocking of ANYONE'S pain and suffering to be distasteful, be they American or otherwise...
So as far as I am concerned anyway there is a VAST difference in displaying a ribbon showing hope for the return of loved ones and displaying a flag altered to fit someone's agenda.
That's the crux, in a nutshell.
Second time we've agreed this week isn't it? Be afraid! Be very afraid!
The flag thing has already been explained and discussed.
Back to the topic ...
How is Iraq's treatment of prisoners any worse that the USA's treatment of prisoners?
Remember that the people the US have are not even necessarilly combatants but just SUSPECTS !!
Where is the outrae over the violations of the Geneva Convention now?!
Do you think there is actually a moral equivalency between the way Americans treat the prisoners in Cuba and the way the Iraqis treated the Americans. It is obvious that many of the American soldiers were shot in the head execution style. That does not happen in Cuba. Or put more bluntly can you honestly say you would rather be an American prisoner in Iraqi hands than an Al-quida(sp?) prisoner in Cuba?
Remember when you refute this scale counts, we are looking at the rule not the exception.