I certainly would hope that our news reporting does not stoop to showing close-up of individuals being killed. But, let's face it, people actually expect to be given every tid bit of news, including that type of reporting, showing bodies, etc. We are well aware of sensationalism in good times, so it's bound to be there in bad times as well.
It's my understanding that those americans killed were in a convoy of troops, but they were a special unit, doing mechanical repairs to the machinery and vehicles, so perhaps that's what took them out of line and made targets of them. I heard it reported that they told their captors that they were not "fighting", but just a support unit, and they took them and shot them anyway.
These are barbarians and we should not in our wildest dreams believe they would concede to any "Geneva Conference" mandate. They are going to use death and carnage to their best advantage. This is very sad, but it would be ignorance on my part to believe that our leaders were not totally aware of what the men were up against when they started out. They had to have known the capabilities of the enemy. Yet, this is the cost of going up against them. They aren't "like" us. They have no regard for human life or dignity, and we can't change how they think or what they do. We are there to try to stop the ones in power.
Bottom line is, it doesn't matter what I think or feel about any of what's happening. It's out of my control. We give our leaders the power and they operate with that power for a purpose we have to have trust in. I figure they are the ones who know much more than me, so who am I to say anyone is wrong or right, unless I have all the facts and am in a position to really make a difference. And, only a very few people know all the facts.