Twitch: yes,,-- of course there is more too it, I have the rejection letters,( some institution will not accept any submissions dealing with variations of "Bode"). the most encouraging came from the royal astro society There are others, more accredited researchers, that have worked, not, on the 5 minute, but 160 light minute outer planet spacings. The last word has not been said about this. wait until the better, sharper exoplanet data come in, correlated with the vibration patterns of the host stars. This stability, probable indicated by the regularity of the spacings is either unique to us, or a common features of more exo system. Always keeping my eyes peeled for related science news, and stimulating objections from the likes of Vivianne.
PS:I am fascinated by all this because if there is a creator, the track record he has left behind is the only really evidence we can access , If in the outworkings of our journey through time, the energy and laws are primed to produce the little artistic perks like 10 in Bode, or natural shading disks, or synchronized rotations, --it's, icing on the cake.