Scriptures That Don’t Fit WT Theology
by Sea Breeze 76 Replies latest watchtower bible
Disillusioned JW:
"Even more puzzling to me is the statement in the Greek NT Bible that the name of Jesus is above every name, and thus claimed to be above the name of YHWH/Yahweh/Jehovah." [Ph. 2:9,10]
Within the Jewish mindset, they would have understood, according to Paul's reasoning, that Jesus' name was above every OTHER name, just as they would have understood his own statement that, 'EVERY knee should bow before Christ' EXCLUDED YHVH. (1 Cor 15:27)
Disillusioned JW
Thanks Wonderment for your stating your interpretations; they clarify matters.
The scripture in 2 Thessalonians 3:10 which says: “He that does not work shall not eat.”
I never heard this scripture stressed at all when I was in the JW religion. I wondered if it was because the religion was against careers and gainful employment. Truthfully, they were against anything which took somebody away from full-time ministry. They imagined people were just going to half-heartedly do part time work and maybe get handouts and charity.. Meanwhile, those who did this their whole life have a problem when they hit retirement age!
I know some JWs might feel their ministry is ‘work’, but it is not really.
Matt 12:50 Mark 3:35 Luke 8:21 references Jesus's brothers as WHOSOEVER that does God's will. JW/WT teaches his brothers as the anointed and these anointed are to be submitted to -(WT 11/15/15 page 26,27
There are many scriptures that are not compatible with JW beliefs, across many topics.
Just a couple regarding holy spirit: Despite Jehovah’s Witnesses’ insistence that the “holy spirit” is ‘God’s power in action’, Acts 19:2–3 says some disciples of John the Baptist were entirely unaware of the existence of the “holy spirit”, and 2 Corinthians 6:6–7 indicates that “holy spirit” is something distinct from “God’s power”.
Sea Breeze
Resurrection of damnation - John 5: 29
I thought the WT taught that all those resurrected got a clean slate when they died. -
Revelation 20:
JWs say people are resurrected during the 1000 years but the Bible says people are resurrected only before or after the 1000 years.
JWs say the nations are destroyed at Armageddon, but the Bible says Satan is locked away so he can’t mislead the nations during the 1000 years.
JWs say the 144,000 rule during the 1000 years but it is actually the great crowd that the Bible identifies as ruling for 1000 years (whereas the 144,000 rule forever).
JWs say scrolls are opened during the 1000 years but the Bible says the scrolls are opened after the 1000 years ended.
you can add Mark 4:13 to that list - The omission of "other" there is incredibly self evident, granted its not written by Paul.. But it carries the same weight
John 14:14 – “If you ask me anything I will do it.” - is similar in nature as it is hyberbole limited by statements made in other places in the same chapter (Im pretty sure) let alone the same Book.
Col 1:20 "ALL things will be reconciled" - does this include Satan? unrepentant ones? not according to other writings such as John & Revelation who state otherwise.
regarding Heb 11:16 see Edgar Foster's blog, I believe he has made comments on some of the NWT's "wooden" or awkward translations. Heb 11:16 is awkward but far from dishonest.
For others see: -
Sea Breeze
JWs say people are resurrected during the 1000 years but the Bible says people are resurrected only before or after the 1000 years.
Right on Jeffro.
JWs say the nations are destroyed at Armageddon, but the Bible says Satan is locked away so he can’t mislead the nations during the 1000 years.
Rigjt on again. The nations are tattered but still intact after the GT. This is when the sheep & goats judgment happens... also known as "the judgment of the nations".
Gentiles Will Keep the Feast of Tabernacles
“And it shall come to pass that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles” (Zech. 14:16).
This has never happened, but it will during the Millennium Reign.