I started a thread 4 years ago on this very subject. It took me a while to find it. Hope this is what you're looking for!
GB making their exit before the GT??
by stephenlettclownface 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
stan livedeath
so--if the GB are to be extracted before it all kicks off---leaving no-one to run the show ?
Best to keep an eye on them: if they all disappear we know the fun will start. But if they dont vanish then life just carries on as normal.
a watcher
When the GB are extracted (one way or another), the Helpers will take over (if Watchtower still exists).
Beth Sarim
The helpers like Breaux will be left there holding the bag & trying to mitigate the jws concerns.
This guy,, always gets the dirty and crappy work.
joey jojo
When this change was made,I thought it might have been a way for the GB to solve the overlapping generation problem.
By removing the need for Armageddon to arrive before the anointed were gone, they could claim that the generation of anointed were still alive to witness the start of the great tribulation and be in heaven, ready to rumble, just in time for Armageddon
This could have allowed them to declare the start of the great tribulation and prolong it indefinitely, and, maybe buy themselves more time by keeping JW's in a heightened state of expectation. It would also remove the need to appoint ever younger men as GB members and use helpers instead.
Eventually, years later, when hardly anyone is alive that remembers 1914, they could reveal 'new light' in the form of a Christian death metal video, featuring an A.I. version of Stephen Lett, and start all over again.
joey jojo - “…a Christian death metal video, featuring an A.I. version of Stephen Lett…”
I totally wanna see that now. 😃
I was watching an episode of Tucker Carlson the other day and there was a Country singer, John Rich, talking about politics and religion and the end times.
Whether you believe him or not, the point is that he brought up a very interesting scripture that I'd never noticed before:
2 Thessalonians Chapter 2
You can look that up, not going to post the entire chapter here.
The point that was being made was that the belief that the "Rapture" would happen before the Great Tribulation or AT ANY TIME before Christ physically returns is FALSE.
This is a belief system which originated during "The Great Awakening" during the early 1800s.
As we all know a lot of JW beliefs came from "TGA".
Among other scriptures John Rich discusses Matthew chapter 24 and the above mentioned chapter in 2 Thessalonians.
I found it interesting, and it drives yet another nail into JW false doctrine (at least for me).
If you want to hear the full discussion on this thread start it at minute 38:00. The mention of 2 Thessalonians, if you only want to hear that part, is at about minute 53:00.
@Rules and Regs: I plan to start digging through the thread you referenced as soon as I post this message. Thanks
Beth Sarim
Nu lite;; our future kings the governing body only partake in the emblems.
Then they get raptured. Er em,, disappear to Buenos Aries or Rio de Janeiro.
"Nu lite;; our future kings the governing body only partake in the emblems."
I've had that opinion for a while now.
"Then they get raptured. Er em,, disappear to Buenos Aries or Rio de Janeiro."
This is becoming a popular view. Do the GB, whose egos are increasingly more on display as they seek out more attention from the adoring JWs, strike you as the types who would happily disappear from the public eye?
NotFormer - “…Do the GB, whose egos are increasingly more on display as they seek out more attention from the adoring JWs, strike you as the types who would happily disappear from the public eye?”
“Happily”? No.
But like I said a couple days back in another thread…
…they’d find it preferable to hanging around and actually facing the humiliations of further decline, increased legal losses, and insolvency (and make no mistake, they would absolutely find those things humiliating).