The Truth about the bible

by TTWSYF 49 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • fulltimestudent

    I'm rather surprised that no-one has mentioned the Eastern church, In the first few centuries most christians lived in west Asia. And, probably missionaries of that early church had preached their message all the way across Asia even as far as China. Just because we live in a world where the ROMAN church has been the dominant force in the Eurocentric world, doesn't mean that was always the case.

    Let's think about the 'church' as it was in the first century. Undoubtedly, it was controlled by James and his family, at least until the Roman's destroyed Jerusalem and excluded ALL Jews from the city, The best descriptive term to describe that early group of believers is this - "the early church.'

    So when did it become the "Roman Catholic Church?" It's difficult to fix a specific date, and I suggest that it was a gradual process, but certainly by the time of Constantine we could define it with that specific term. The only problem we have then, is that Constantine moved the capital of the political empire to the new capital of Constantinople - also known as Byzantium (now an Islamic city named Istanbul).

    There is every reason to believe that the religious power of the church became centered in Constantinople also, as nearly all emperors after Constantine were christian (I can only think of Julian the Apostate as the only non-christian emperor) and issued religio-political edicts governing the lives of Roman citizens throughout both the eastern and western sections of the empire.

    The western section of the empire was increasingly unimportant until the barbarians conquered Rome and we see a divide between the barbarian controlled Europe and the Graeco-Roman eastern section now generally known as the Byzantine Empire.

    As I'm sure you guys will be aware, Constantinople survived as a Christian centre for centuries even surviving the horrifying sacking of the city by the European christian crusaders, Only the the Islamic tsunami ended Constantinople's christian heritage, and contrary to the opinion of many, christians were treated better by their muslim conquerers than their ancestors had been by the christian crusaders of the fourth crusade in 1204, who had looted the city's treasures and raped the women of the city(including nuns).

    Would you not think that logically, Orthodox Christianity should be seen as the rightful lineage?

    Not that I care in a spiritual sense> A plague on ALL these religious pests!

  • Simon
    contrary to the opinion of many, christians were treated better by their muslim conquerers than their ancestors had been by the christian crusaders

    Fuck off with your BS Islamist apologism

    "According to the Venetian surgeon Nicolò Barbaro, "all through the day the Turks made a great slaughter of Christians through the city". According to Philip Mansel, widespread persecution of the city's civilian inhabitants took place, resulting in thousands of murders and rapes and 30,000 civilians being enslaved or forcibly deported"

  • fulltimestudent

    OK Simon, my remark was contrasting the treatment of the population by the respective invading armies. And, I stand by the statement i made as historical truth. Of course, it may sometimes difficult to decide who did the worst things and who may even have been more merciful, especially when both groups did similar things and we attempt to form an opinion as to who did more evil things.

    I am not a Islamic apologist, just a person who is interested in the historical truth.


    A little more biblical truth for any interested

    Because the bible was not confirmed until [around] 381ad, You really cannot/should not look at the bible as the start all/end all on Christianity as some Christian faiths do. There are roughly 350 years of documented history predating this biblical confirmation. Over 30,000 pages of written history from the early Christian church.

    Imagine [if you're an american] looking back on your national history staring around 1970. Sure, you get your view of America from the Vietnam war going forward. What you'd miss is the Cuban missile crisis, WW2, WW1, The civil war, [about 25 false end of the world JW], the War of 1812, the Revolutionary war, The Salem witch trials, the first Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims landing on Plymouth Rock. You would not have a comprehensive view of our history. The US history did not start with President Nixon, it started centuries before.

    The same can be said about the Church that Jesus started. He never said 'Write these things down and we'll have a Christian community'. He did say 'Peter, you are rock and on this rock I will build my church' He also said 'Do all that I command and I will be with you til the end of this age' Although it is true that there were other groups that followed some of the teachings and some of the commands of Jesus, only one church was commissioned by Jesus and was built/ promoted by his chosen apostles.


  • cofty
    only one church was commissioned by Jesus

    He must be deeply embarrassed.


    Cofty? You're bald

  • OnTheWayOut

    Jehovah's Witnesses are Unitarians with a Protestant Bible Canon.

    Take that.

  • Vidiot

    Talmudic Unitarians with a Protestant Bible canon.

  • Crazyguy2

    I have found that the earliest Torah was actually the Greek Septuagint and it was only the first 5 books. The whole Bible was really a Greek invention with maybe a spattering of Jewish propaganda and history thrown in. I think this Torah was introduced to push a new beliefs as the Greeks were all about influencing the ones they concurred and Ptolemy even introduced a new hybrid god named Serapis.

    Ptolemy wanted a unified empire with one religion to help him get to his goal. The Bible was a collection of stories and saying even about other gods reintroduced but edited to be about this new one god. Christians and then the Roman Catholic Church did much of the same pushing a new god which was just an old god retold and renamed. “There’s nothing new under the son”.

    Crazyguy2an hour ago

    I have found that the earliest Torah was actually the Greek Septuagint and it was only the first 5 books. The whole Bible was really a Greek invention with maybe a spattering of Jewish propaganda and history thrown in.

    Hi Crazyguy2- Where did you find that?

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