"I know many JWs who would claim: "But they (WTS/GB) have been right about everything else!"
"Such as what, you ask?"
"Trinity is untrue"
Christadelphians, Russell stole it from them.
"Soul is not immortal"
Again, stolen from the Christadelphians by Russell
"Hell is common grave (not Hell Fire)"
Stolen by Russell from Christadelphians
"Only group fulfilling Matt 24:14 (worldwide preaching)"
Most denominations have churches all over the world and outnumber JW membership.
'Only group remaining "no part of the world"'
Have they never heard of the Amish?
"Only group (widely) using the name "Jehovah" (vindication of God's name)"
House of Yahweh and Congregation of Yahweh (Jehovah is a scribal error from the thirteenth century)
"Displaying unequaled True Love of Brother (or Mankind)"
That's just laughable that they would call their disdain for anyone outside the WT "love"!
"Unparalleled growth (proof of Jah's Holy Spirit & blessing)"
Belt tightening, not tracking hours to keep publisher numbers up; sure you're growing! 🙄
😢 😭