Just had a thought…

by Vidiot 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Phizzy

    I had an e-mail chat with a Christadelphian , when I first left, who helped me find the information I was looking for to show that if Jesus was going to appoint anyone as an FDS in1918/9, it would have been the Christadelphians, looking at it from a JW perspective, as what the Christadelphians taught back then in 1919, was exactly the same as JW's called "Present truth" in the year of my asking him, all bar the actual year of 1914 etc.

    So why would Jesus choose Rutherford & Co in1919? when you look at all the discarded dross the Rutherfordites were teaching then ! As Ray Franz said that claim is an "Insult to Jesus".

    When I left, two Elders did a "Shepherding" visit, trying to get me to admit to Apostasy in some way. That didn't work.

    But JW's see Apostasy as the Greatest Sin of All, how silly !

    I wonder how widespread the "ramping up" of shunning is geographically ? Has something prompted this just in the USA, or is it worldwide ?

    I must say I was surprised about this, as an Elder relative recently dropped in to see how we were, he knows not to talk religion, but was very friendly and normal. (for a JW Elder).

  • Vidiot
    NotFormer - “…Remember, they dropped the sacrosanct door to door work, their main distinction, at the merest hint that the government might have a problem with it, during the lockdowns.”

    Yup, gotta protect that vital charity-status for as long as possible before it all goes to shit. 😏

  • Vidiot
    NotFormer - I can't see a Samsonesque self-sacrifice by the GB. One, they're strike me as being pretty cowardly. They're great at having others make sacrifices, but aren't that keen on doing it themselves…”

    I’m inclined to agree.

    That being said, everything we’ve seen and heard reinforces the idea the WT leadership are full-on True Believers…

    …and the True Believers at Jonestown chose to crash-and-burn rather than face the alternative. 😵‍💫


    markweatherill - I wouldn't be surprised if the governing body was discovered to have been taken to heaven just as their great tribulation begins… I'd love to see them apprehended at the airport with one way tickets to a country that has no extradition treaty with the US.”

    This is hard to argue with…

    …like NotFormer, the current crop at WTHQ strike me as a pretty soft bunch, but they’d rather gargle with broken glass than make the ultimate gamble, declare victory, and then not be vindicated.

    They could justify the deception as the lesser of two evils… i.e. worth it to keep the spark alive amongst the rank-and-file, and (more importantly) the Organization alive amongst themselves. 🙄

    The luxury bolthole in Argentina’d be off the table, though… their ext-treaty with the US is pretty ironclad.

    My money’s on the Caymans…

    …’cause unless things have changed, that’s where a big chunk of theirs is.

  • redsetter2


    This is correct. CSA has become such a massive issue for the Organization. They've taken steps to distance themselves from localised cases, but you can only go so far with that for so long. Once it comes out as legitimate that Ted Jaracz is indeed named on the pedophile database that he himself oversaw until his death (Gary Breaux now oversees it), then this Organization will come down like a pile of plates, smashing on the ground, with no return.

    The Great Tribulation will be the "end" of JWs, whether it's in the way they expect it (Jehovah destroying the wicked governments and preserving JWs alive) or the last resort of them shutting things down (over CSA or other horrible scandals).

    There's no doubt that JWs will always have a "plan b" for everything.

  • Vidiot

    I assume you’re referring to my post referencing yours a couple pages back…?

  • Vidiot

    ‘Cause if that’s the case…

    …maybe someone ought to remind the GB that going around jabbing folks with a stick until one of ‘em finally gives you a black eye doesn’t make you “persecuted”.

    It just makes you an asshole.


    On second thought, maybe don’t remind ‘em…

    …Sun Tzu said to never interrupt an opponent when he’s making a mistake, after all.


  • no-zombie

    Its like a woman who leaves her husband for some Chad, only to get dumped ... and then going ape s**t, when she learns that her former husband has moved on with his life, happy with a younger partner.

  • NotFormer

    "...maybe someone ought to remind the GB that going around jabbing folks with a stick until one of ‘em finally gives you a black eye doesn’t make you “persecuted”.

    It just makes you an asshole."

    You've said that before; a great observation! 💯 I hope I can remember it verbatim, should the local JWs ever venture back to my door...

    I'll try to be kinder this time, I promise! 🤞

  • Vidiot

    Feel free to substitute “asshole” with “whiny doofus”, “entitled bitch”, or “obnoxious twat”.

    Whichever you feel is most appropriate.


  • ThomasMore

    Simon - the less I talk to them - the more they shun me.

    I have come to understand that they know I think they are no longer relevant, as well as their teachings.

    What they fail to understand is that shunning me is a gift.🎁

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