Sea Breeze- Acts 2:32 says God resurrected Jesus. ( i will believe that over what you wrote ) Jesus knew his disciples would be provided for by others at THAT time, so sent them without money. Jesus explained death when he likened Lazarus to being asleep.( so that agrees with being unconscious) ( maybe you know everything that goes on around you when you are asleep-) Why is there going to be a resurrection day if people aren't really dead? We only need so much money for our everyday affairs-some are just greedy and evil and want to rule over others.( take note of Davos!) Daddy said not to confuse people with facts when their mind is made up...I will apply that to you and you can feel free to apply that to me. If this life IS NOT all there is, then we will learn what is really facts.
Do you know of any church that KNOWS God?
by the-MadJW 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I guess the answer to the question is "NAY?"
Sea Breeze
Sea Breeze- Acts 2:32 says God resurrected Jesus. ( i will believe that over what you wrote )
All I did was quote what Jesus said.
The Bible indicates that all three Persons of the Trinity were involved in Jesus’ resurrection. Galatians 1:1 says that the Father raised Jesus from the dead. First Peter 3:18 says that the Spirit raised Jesus from the dead (see also Romans 1:4, and note that Romans 8:11 clearly says that God will resurrect believers “through His Spirit”). And in John 2:19 Jesus predicts that He will raise Himself from the dead (see also John 10:18). So, when we answer the question of who resurrected Jesus, we can say God did. And by that we can mean it was the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
So, without a biblical view of ourselves as a tri-partite being, God as a tri-partite being, and a biblical definition of death (which I previously described in detail) a person is left with a whole slew of scriptures that he either has to ignore or wave away by saying they are symbolic.
Jesus knew his disciples would be provided for by others at THAT time, so sent them without money.
So money really isn't the answer for everything like the bible says in Eccl? Imagine that. You are making my case here. So if money really isn't the answer to everything, then the quote about the dead not knowing anything is just as limited in scope, ie, "under the sun".
Jesus explained death when he likened Lazarus to being asleep.( so that agrees with being unconscious) ( maybe you know everything that goes on around you when you are asleep-)
The body sleeps. The soul is NEVER said to sleep. Soul sleep is a heresy.
Why is there going to be a resurrection day if people aren't really dead?
People are dead when their soul , body and spirit are separated ... like in the case of Rachel I previously quoted in Genesis. This is the biblical view.
Part of breaking free from WT mind control is learning how to think, how to read the bible, how to let the bible be its own authority. If we run across two scriptures that seem to contradict each other... that is a sure sign that we do not have a correct biblical view.
Are you SERIOUS, SB????
response to the-Mad-JW;
Of course he's serious, because SB's comment illustrates the problem with xtianity. it's all about opinions and not truth.
As Ehrman says in the General Introduction to the book I mentioned in a previous post:
Quote: "Christianity during the first three centuries of the Common Era was remarkably diverse."
and a little further,
Quote: "... very few people ...outside the ranks of the professional scholar, realize the diverse character of the religion in its earliest period ... early Christians engaged in heated and often acrimonious debates over fundamental issues..."
Constantine's acceptance, that the church was unlikely to vanish, and his political support gave the hierarchy that he helped select and supported, an opportunity to squash that unregulated argumentation and push it outside the officially supported "church."
Just thought I'd clarify something for the mad-JW's information: The Site Administrator of this site is a person who goes by the name, or screen-name of, "Simon." So, now you know, mad-JW. But, anyway, your OP has opened up a lot of interesting discussions, in response to your original question. I hope you will continue to post other items!Best Regards....Titch.
So, at least JWs know God....
All true Christians know God and Christ Jesus independent of the Watchtower Faithful Slave organization. Unlike 8 million Jehovah's Witnesses all true Christians are justified, imputed Christ's righteousness and are indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
Jhine commented (about me): "Reasonfirst did you also read literature that presents the Christian perspective? We all tend to be guilty of conformation bias."
When I was 4, I started school at a Catholic school. My father's sister was a nun and she hoped (so I was later led to believe) she hoped I'd become a good catholic.
But my mother was an Anglican and she'd had had, me baptised in that church
When I was 13 (I think) I was confirmed in the Anglican church. But later I started to try an think things out and became agnostic
And, then later still I became a JW, and spent hours studying the bible, eventually becoming a special pioneer and congregation servant (later an elder).
Later still (after 1975) I was kicked out.
So then, I started studying again to re-examine my position, and found no good reason to believe that the bible was god inspired. So I became an athiest.
And then (now a pensioner) I decided to study history at a University. One of my close lecturers was an Anglican and I decided to take some religious topics as part of my history degree.
So I enrolled in these topics:
Early Christian Literature and Thought.
Myth in the Ancient World.
Religion along the Silk Road, That was informative, as it led me to the Manicheans, once almost the dominant religion in Asia, and possible the first christian influenced religion to have a presence in China (Still one of their temples there).
Second Temple Judaism
Early Christianity - From Constantine to Theodora,
Classical Tradition and Thought.
Byzantine Studies.
Persians, Jews and Christians.
Over a number of years, I undertook more topics then were necessary for my BA, so that I could examine other historical topics that I thought of as under-studied in our Anglo-dominated world.
Curiously, for my capstone essay, I did did a sort of analysis of Boyarin's concept of Daniel's vision of the 'Son of Man.' It was marked by a fervent Christian believer, who said it was tosh.(Boyarin sees an old god, investing a role for a younger god) I asked for his mark to be reviewed and received a much higher mark from the faculty.
Also in my small library, I have 4 volumes of 'New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity.'
and, Witherington's, New Testament History.
And, Introducing the New Testament: Its Literature and Theology. (Achtemeier, Green and Thompson)
Finally, I was not restricting anyone's right to think (think whatever you like) but, if that thought is posted in a forum like this, why would you expect that it should go untested.