I have a good agnostic friend who taught Sunday school. I have had conversations with two ministers in local churches that are atheists. One said, it doesn't matter if there is a God, people want and need the traditions. The other said the church thing wasn't his first choice in careers, but it was ok. I have another good agnostic friend who felt he needed a community and attended the Unitarian Universalist church in town for a while. We went with them once. To each his own. Apparently, some do feel the need to identify with a group. We don't, in fact the idea makes me very uncomfortable. I give to charities I believe in and try not to be a jerk, that's my religion.
Do you know of any church that KNOWS God?
by the-MadJW 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Reason , l agree that there always have been and always will be bad behaviour in churches to one degree or another. I don't believe that this makes one group less " religious " than another.
It's human nature, Christians are growing in spiritual maturity , or should be , all the time . The Bible refers to baby Christians and those who are more mature in the faith.
In regards to Henry and Elizabeth l believe that their actions were much more political in nature than religious.
Ambitious people have often used religion as a " beard " for their self serving actions .
Not unlike what is happening in America now .
Cofty's comment early on, makes the point. Finding a "church that knows God" implies you "know" what God is so as to make that determination. Finding a group of people you like is easier to understand. Finding a philosophy you agree with, that makes sense.