I am a born in, and had this religion shoved down my throat every damn day. Because it was drummed into me from infancy, I believed it was the “truth”. However, at the same time, the very fiber of my being told me something was off. I also decided, at age 4, that this religion was forced on me, but some day, (it seemed so far away) I would grow up and make my own choices. I planned to leave on my 18th birthday, but unfortunately, I met a guy who was just coming in. I really had the hots for him, and we got married. The marriage didn’t work out. This made a dent in my plans, but, after the divorce, I started to work a full time job to support myself, and, as soon as I was able to pay rent without help, about 25 years old, I got an apartment far away from the town where I was a JW. Just moved out, didn’t say a word to anyone, and never stepped foot into a KH again.
it was after I left, (and I felt a huge weight off of me), I looked at “apostate” literature. And I was pretty surprised that it wasn’t true after all, just a man made cult. So, my feelings as a young kid were correct, after all. I’ve been out 40 years now, have a Catholic husband of 35 years, and will never go back to this 👿 evil religion. Glad to be on these forums, for me it is validation that my feelings were right, after all.