"The kind of decisions they're making these days sure seem based on blind ideological faith in their own inherent rightness, divine backing, and destiny, rather than prudence, practicality, and common freaking sense."
Also, there seems (to me, at least) a distict, if subtle, tinge of desperation, and that's got me thinking...
...it's obvious by now that all of the bOrg's flaws, failures, and fuckups ultimately call into question their claim of being "God's Earthly Organization", and after the 2002 Dateline expose, thousands of JWs reportedy left (obviously no longer believing that claim).
Less well-known, though, was a Maclean's (a Canadian news magazine similar to Time) op-ed piece regarding JWs a couple years later, and one blink-and-you'd-miss-it bit actually stood out to me... that when questioned anonymously, many had privately admitted that they were afraid that the WTS was actually a "false religion". It stuck with me all this time and I never forgot it.
As I've said before, being an active, dutiful JW is not really the most appealling lifestyle, so if the WTS isn't "God's Earthly Organization", there's (obviously) not a whole hell of a lot of incentive to stay. And at this point now, with everything going on, and the increasingly desperate vibe to the bOrg's actions...
...I can't help but wonder if the WT leadership is actually worried they're losing their grip on that claim too quickly for the Org to adapt.