Being steeped in the JW doctrine I too had difficulty explaining the blood-guilt of the USA. Here is how I handle this problem.
Middle eastern writing uses a lot of hyperbole. For example Sadaam's "Mother of all battles statement". This statement doesn't mean that the battle Sadaam was talking about was the first battle ever. It meant that it would be so great that it would be the "definitive" battle.
Compare Rev. 17:6 with Rev. 18:24 and then with Jeremiah 51:49
Rev. 17:6 "And I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus"
Rev. 18:24 "Yes, in her was found the blood of prophets and of holy ones and of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth."
Jeremiah 51:49 "Not only was Babylon the cause for the slain ones of Israel to fall but also at Babylon the slain ones of all the earth have fallen"
This is clearly hyperbole meant to make a strong case against the original Babylon and later Babylon The Great.
The USA has made deals with ruling elites in various countries that caused real harm to the ordinary people. Batista, Somosa, Marcos, Shah of Iran, House of Saud etc.
As Americans we perceive ourselves as being extremely generous because we provide foreign aid to so many countries. Unfortunately that aid has gone to ruling elites, usually minority factions, who use that money to subjugate the masses of people. Wealth from rubber, oil, bananas, sugar etc. has not been used to improve the lot of ordinary people. The ruling elites who are in "bed" with the US squander their money on their own lavish life style and supporting special police forces to keep their populations from revolting.
The neutral stand of Christians sometimes is a protection. More often Christians are convenient targets to both sides because they refuse to take sides.