Gun Amnesty.

by Englishman 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    This, from the BBC: Gun amnesty details announced


    People who own illegal firearms will have the opportunity to hand them in without fear of prosecution during a nationwide guns amnesty

    The amnesty, running from 31 March to 30 April, is part of the government's efforts to cut back on soaring gun crime and beat Britain's increasing gang culture.

    The move comes ahead of the introduction of tough new sentences for illegal possession of prohibited firearms, which will see a minimum five-year sentence for those convicted.

    There are also plans to ban anyone carrying a replica or air weapon in a public place without a good reason.

    The amnesty was agreed by police and ministers at a meeting with community representatives in January, chaired by Home Secretary David Blunkett.

    'Safety first'

    The meeting followed the murders of Charlene Ellis, 18, and Latisha Shakespeare, 17, who were shot outside a New Year party in Birmingham.

    Home Office minister Bob Ainsworth said the latest amnesty throughout England, Scotland and Wales would give people the chance to get rid of illegal or legal weapons.

    "The safety of the public and police officers is our first priority," he said.

    altEvery weapon that is given up is a weapon that cannot be used in crime and violence alt Bob Ainsworth
    Home Office minister
    "Taking guns off our streets will save lives and cut crime.

    "While armed crime in the UK is low compared with other countries, there has been an unacceptable increase in the number of guns being used in crime and the government is taking urgent action to tackle this."

    As well as prohibited, unlicensed and unwanted firearms, the police are also encouraging people to hand in air weapons and imitation guns.

    Mr Ainsworth said: "We need to act now to show that this is unacceptable and to stop the development of a 'gun culture,' where firearms are treated as fashion accessories."


    The last national firearms amnesty in 1996, following the killing of schoolchildren at Dunblane, saw 23,000 firearms and 700,000 rounds of ammunition surrendered.

    There were four previous national amnesties dating back to World War II.

    Deputy Chief Constable David McCrone of Greater Manchester Police, chair of the Association of Chief Police Officers' criminal use of firearms group, welcomed the amnesty.

    He said it would help reduce the availability of firearms of all descriptions, resulting in lives being saved, injuries prevented and members of the public being spared the trauma of being threatened with a gun.

    Shadow Home Secretary Oliver Letwin MP said: "We welcome any amnesty to get illegal guns off the streets, but that should not mean that people who have committed crimes with those guns should escape prosecution."


  • Francois

    (Sigh) Jesus H. Christ. Only law-abiding people will turn in guns and the criminals will love it because it will make the odds that any given homeowner or pedestrian on the street even longer.

    I've never understood people who think that disarming the public would make them safer. It's idiotic.

    What did Castro do, first thing, when he seized power? You bet your ass: he confiscated ALL the guns. Then he confiscated all the knives. In Cuba today you can only purchase aluminum knives. No Shit.

    And in every country where there has been a leftist takeover, the guns are confiscated right away. Why? Because the leftists know that what they are about to do to the citizenry would get them killed if those citizens had guns.

    And in every country where guns have been confiscated, gun crime has skyrocketed? WHY? Because the thieves know that the citizenry is unarmed and therefore easy pickin's.

    So you all go ahead with your silly damned gun turn-in program. And then watch the crime stats. NOTE: CRIMINALS DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN GUN TURN-IN PROGRAMS. You folks are bending over and grabbing your ankles. If I were a thief, I'd be there taking down tag numbers so I'd know where the stupid people live whom I could rob with impunity.

    Sheer idiocy.

    My two cents.


  • Englishman


    I take your point. However, I can't recall the last time a UK citizen protected his home or property by using a legally owned firearm. There are still thousand and thousands of shotgun owners over here, and I believe it's been a few years since one of those was used against another person. The problem lies with illegally held military weapons that find their way onto the streets when the holder dies and his weapon is found by his heirs, who decide it could be fun to wield a gun. It is still very rare for guns to be used over here.



    We`ve got the same problem in Canada..Law abiding citizens are finding it harder and harder to keep guns,and we need them!..I`m in the middle of nowhere.What do I do If I got a mountian cat or bear stalking me? Call a cop? Or do I fight it head on with a knife? Dumb ass politics! I need easy access to guns and ammunition which we have had till lately..If the law wants to stop people from using guns for crimes,execute the people who do it.That should be enough incentive for the other criminals... OUTLAW

  • mattnoel

    well my dad took his gun in, they asked him what it was for to which he replied it was for hunting, they then took him down to an interview room in Folkestone Police Station and treated him like a criminal, then finally two officers come down and were fine with him. I still dont think Kent Police have the hang of it !

  • Francois

    Au Contraire. The problem NEVER lies with the gun, guns, or type of gun. The problem lies in the criminal mind of the person who is holding the gun.

    I have a 9-shot automatic pistol. To my knowledge, it has never jumped up and run out into the street and shot anyone of its own accord.



    There was a gun amnesty here in the city of Toronto not too long ago.

    Outlaw, I didn't think it was a problem to own a registered gun in Canada (ie: hunting etc.), but if you either have one or have applied for one, you'd know more about it than myself. My father owned a rifle, which my brothers accidentally set off once in the house once. Accidents happen! No one was injured, but the stove looked like it had been hit by a truck.

    BUT...I will say this, overall, where I live, the city of Toronto which is 2.5 million (5 Million, greater area) the chances of being shot are slim.

    When I stayed in the U.S., (no offense to my American neighbours) but the guns were omnipresent and shootings resulting in death were all too often, both civilian/criminal.

    I believe in the UK, deaths/homicides due to firearms, are very rare.

    Toronto's homicide count for 2002: 60 (highest 89)

    Not all these murders were a result of firearms (beatings, stabbings, etc.).

    Honestly, where I live: I feel safe as a result of few/no guns.

  • ColdRedRain

    I hear the Swiss have very little trouble with guns, even though almost everybody there owns a gun.

  • ozziepost

    Your news report brought a smile to my face, Eman. A rueful smile, that is.

    You see, we have a gun amnesty in Oz every few years!!!!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • expatbrit

    Hey, you could always try a gun registry, like wot we have in Canada. Budgeted cost $1.25. Real cost (so far) $1,000,000,000.00.

    LOL, Canadians with guns...who'd have thought it?


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