Number of Muslims protesting London terrorist attack = ZERO. Number of Muslims protesting forced Mosque closure in France = HUNDREDS

by kpop 233 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • freemindfade

    Many here express that those who speak out against Islam or criticize those who shield and defend it are afraid of it in some way or spreading fear aka islamaphobia. Is that really the case? What I fear, is the lengths people will go to in order to defend it. The way it has gained some special case provision by irrational people trying to be socially trendy.

    The TREATMENT of Islam and those who criticize it is the scary part. Not Islam. This irrationality that will quickly turn on free speech before some bronze age death cult frightens me. The lack of "Freedom to offend" that almost all other religions on earth have to deal with.

    Take a moment to reflect upon the existence of the musical The Book of Mormon. Now imagine the security precautions that would be required to stage a similar production about Islam. The project is unimaginable—not only in Beirut, Baghdad, or Jerusalem, but in New York City.-Sam Harris

    Our critic-censorship and protection of a shameful, disgusting set of bad ideas (Islam) is the height of stupidity and the thing we should be worried about as a free society!

  • kpop

    I love how I hear almost everyday on the TV how we should not worry about Muslim extremists in America but instead the real threat is right wing Christians. Well then, riddle me this:

    "If Muslims are so peaceful, why are so many people afraid to offend them? If Christians are so dangerous, why is nobody afraid to offend them?"

    I hate nothing more than the deceitful lying media changing the script and now praising Islam while attacking Christians. I don't like any religion, but I never feel that I have to be worried if I went to an all Christian event if I was wearing a rainbow flag shirt or a shirt that said, "Jesus was a jerk." At the most I would be berated. On the other hand if I did the same at an Islamic event I would be physically attacked.

  • freemindfade

    And that is at the crux of it despite some best efforts to make false equivalence arguments and pick at details.

    Freedom to offend

    Islam is NOT like any other religion

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Number of Muslims protesting London terrorist attack = negligible.

    Number of Muslims who protested the Danish paper's cartoons = many thousands world-wide, lots of flag-burning, embassy burning, proclamations of death to the West, violence, and the odd murder or two.

    More Muslims protested about a f**king cartoon than protested about a lunatic who ran over pedestrians and stabbed a police officer to death. That's shameful.

    Kpop's thread is a good one and his point remains ...

  • bohm

    I saw a great word on Twitter to counter the "islamophobia" label: it's "islamophilia"

    I think you're an Islamophile. For some reason you are attracted to it and want to defend it.

    You should get help. (..)

    Now, is that "particular ideological branch" based on an exact reading of the Islamic texts or not?
    The problem you have is that despite all the "scholars" (who want to sell you on needing them to interpret things) it's actually very very simple to interpret. It has to be, it's designed for dumb people.

    Well, quite frankly, I don't understand what I have said that deems me an "Islamophile" (I am now declared both an Islamophobe and and Islamophile, lol). My views on the texts of Islam and violent Islam is that there is clearly a link, as I have said before many times before and which should be apparent from even a cursory glance on Dabiq, and which I at this point would put in my signature because it seems that this is a continuous surprise in these discussions. If you are more interested in my views on this link I suggest you read Bernhard Haykel.

    But I repeat this point: To say there is a link between Islamic texts and the action of ISIS is not to say a good Muslim butcher and rape, similar to how there being an obvious link between the texts of the bible and what JWs believe but that is not saying a "Good Christian" must shun family members.

    Now I have a question for you: Have you read the article I posted by Haykel? Is anything he says factually wrong?

    By all accounts I know, he is a serious western scholar on Islam, and I can't be convinced he is wrong simply by assertion and labels like "Islamophile".

    If he is not a serious scholar, and I am somehow erring in reading him, please post a link to the scholars you would recommend me to read.

  • freemindfade

    Denouncing the ISIS as un-Islamic or "bad" Muslims is counterproductive, especially if those who hear the message have read the holy texts and seen the endorsement of many of ISIS's practices written plainly within them.

    After all the atrocities we see, if Muslims go about their lives, they stand condemned by those who demand that Muslims “speak out.” But if they do speak out, they can expect to be told that short of declaring their sacred texts invalid, they are fooling themselves or deceiving the rest of us.

    Catch 22, but a sure case of its not like other religions. It needs to be criticized

  • Jehalapeno

    Most religion today is like Magic Johnson AIDS for society.

    Islam, though, is like that aggressive "Super AIDS" that, Allah willing, LeBron James will get before the NBA Finals this summer.

  • freemindfade
  • bohm
    FMF: Denouncing the ISIS as un-Islamic or "bad" Muslims is counterproductive, especially if those who hear the message have read the holy texts and seen the endorsement of many of ISIS's practices written plainly within them.

    I don't know if this was just a general comment, but I want to point out I haven't done that. Again see the article I posted which represents IMO a balanced view of the relationship between ISIS and Islam.

    I raised questions on the claim that "to be a good Muslim you have to be a butcher and a rapist.". I don't think that is true. If you believe it is true I would like to hear your reasons, in particular what it means to be a "good muslim".

  • LoveUniHateExams

    @bohm - earlier, Simon asked you a question that you didn't answer. I think it's so good that it's work re-asking.


    who follows the example of the murderous Jihadist Mohammed the closest?

    The murderous Jihadists of ISIS or Maajid Nawaz who, with the best of intentions, is trying to reform Islam?

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