How does that prove that a good Muslim have to rape?
Stop f-cking around with the semantics of "good" Muslim. It's an endless circle jerk you thrive in. Let's make this clearer and not mince words.
Are Muslims to emulate Mohammed?
"He demonstrated good examples in all aspects of life, Allah says: 'You have indeed in the Apostle of Allah a beautiful pattern of (conduct) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day and who engages much in the praise of Allah.' (Qur'an, 33:21)."
Sounds like the Allah is telling us Mohammed was a great way to lead your life. It is a basic principle of Islam that a Muslim should follow the example of the Prophet Mohammad. This is stated in the Quran no less than 91 times.
So how do you know you are a "good" Muslim?
By following Mohammad as an example, there is no central doctrine, no clergy, only the pattern and example of a blood thirsty pedophile. That's their center.
The end
Bohm's next question, but what do you mean by "the"...? lol