keep seeing this appreciate being enlightened on the subject.
For Dubla,
You want enlightenment, then come down here to Brazil and I'd be happy to show you the direct affect of the U.S.’s so called "freedom and liberation" (propaganda in the U.S.). Or I'd be happy to travel to Indonesia and let you experience from the population's eyes and testimony of exactly how western corporate and trade influence has disrupted and made these areas worse off.
You think the people in Iraq will have their "own voice"??? Jesus, are you ignorant. In one day, I'd show you exactly who has a "voice" in that country....just like here in Brazil. Who has the power now? Organized crime. Instead of having one murderous dictator, now they will have hundreds of warring factions...while the U.S. opens it's pretty nice little market places, so the golden arches can be seen on every street corner. All the while, as John & Jane Q. Jones of U.S.A. sit comfortably in their Lazy-Boy recliners and thinking they are doing "good in the world", the government of the U.S. is openly negotiating and recognizing these "organized crime cartels and mafia (yes, Drug Lords too) so that they (the U.S.) may do "business" in their countries. So instead of having 1 Saddam Hussein, you now have 20 to 100 of them.
Come down here, let me show you exactly what "really" goes on, if you are brave enough how about "live what goes on"...and just like those who have come down here, you will leave with an entire "new perception" as to what the affects of U.S. policy is. I guarantee it. I'd be happy to enlighten you.
Damn good thing you don't live in a place like that or you'd have no limbs left.
What the hell do you know about where I've lived, country boy? Please state the 17 prior countries I've called home in the last 10 years, then state the one's you've "lived and experienced".
In fact, please give us your knowledge and wisdom out of your own grand experience of dealing with nations who have been affected by U.S. foreign policy. Any personal testimonies that you would like to share with the board? Experiences of the average citizen of such nations you wish to convey? How about your dealings with those impovrished or been affected by U.S. bullets and bombs? Tell us of your daily travels in to ghettos, favelas, and ficas of this world...that are directly affected by U.S. trading practices or debt control, or their dealing with the local crime syndicates. Please, do so.
Oh wait, you mean you haven't? You mean, you sit in your chair everyday getting your info from CNN and FoxNews (as they want to SELL you their news)??? Is this the same chair you sit in while you enjoy your favorite football team on Sunday mornings?
There's a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path....many here haven't walked past their own front yard...and rely on their own national news media to supply them with information. You know, the same news media that is brought to you by Budweizer beer, and Ford motor company, and Microsoft.
By the way, I have lived in countries in which they do cut your limbs off. The same ones that the U.S. doesn't recognize, because such countries do not offer any "commercial market frontiers". Or ones that the U.S. does recognize, but wheel and deal with corrupt leaders and organzed crime syndicates.
For Everyone else.
Look at that picture again. Ask yourself; Why is the child holding only a U.S. flag?
Are not the sons and daughters of England and Spain (and other countries) also fighting in this war? Have they not spilt blood for this so called "liberation and freedom". Would not their flags also represent such symbolism? Then why not wave such flags also. Why is it that Rome...oh sorry...the U.S. always use propaganda that "they-themselves" do everything. (First ignorant fool to say, "because they do everything", better stop posting here and invest in a good college education...and move their ass away from their T.V. sets.)
Makes you think, doesn't it?