I find something very distressing not to mention terribly sad about some of you people (and to those who are NOT one of these people I kindly ask to please don't fly into some "I'm so insulted!" snit as if I'm wrongfully referring to you). To those people I'm referring to I say: You rightfully hope for the British and U.S. military to destroy that Saddam monster and its minions of mass-murdering/worshippers throughout Iraq. Good! I hope they finally hit Saddam's bunker with one of their bunker busting bombs! And YET you people to whom I refer (and again I'm not addressing anyone else on this forum) have repeatedly criticized the annihilation of ALL the Saddams of this world by God himself?! Most people who haven't been on this forum long are probably stumped at wondering what moronic individual could possibly hope for the destruction of evil in Iraq by a nation and in the same breath severely criticize God for saving us all the trouble by wiping out ALL the Saddams (not just the Iraqi dictatorship and evil infrastructure)? Beats me. What triggered this post? I don't know, I was just grieving the losses of good Iraqi, American, British and other people during their quest to save this world from a reign of terror by a Hitleresque regime, and my thoughts drifted to this forum and its critics of God's plan to destroy ALL evil people. If given the choice of which is ideal: (a) well intentioned governments or (b) God, well, the choice is a no brainer and 10 on the "Duh" scale. However, it occurred to me that many of you (and rightfully so!) applaud the destruction of Saddam and his band of murderers -- to clean the Iraqi house if you will -- but SOME of you people have always attacked Christianity for longing for the day when Jehovah God iradicates every wannabe Saddam and bin Laden from the face of this Earth! Go figure. Derrick
Know what makes me terribly sad about some on these forums?
by Derrick 90 Replies latest jw friends
If that was the plan for the God of Jehovah's Witnesses (destroying all evil people) then fine, I agree with you.
But we both know that that is not what JW's teach. They teach that ALL people who aren't JW's at the end will be destroyed, evil or not. I really fail to see your point.
It's not so bad that JW's teach the overthrow of evil in general, or bad governments. It is the "rivers of blood" idea that they lift out of Revelation and paste into grisly pictures in their publications that's so bad.
We see (pictured in WT publications) common people of all ages dying, falling into large crevasses, simply because they (or their parents) would not obey the edicts of the Watchtower publishing company (or God, if you will).
That is distasteful because the number of truly good, decent people outweigh the number of rotten ones in the world in which we live. However, the Watchtower publications seek to highlight and magnify the evil traits and superimpose them upon EVERYONE who doesn't believe and obey their absolute truth.
C'mon Rick. You should have seen this loophole in your logic!!
Hey Dim,you can`t see Derrick`s point?..Check out the top of his head..LOL!......OUTLAW
not everyone here believes in god anyway, and those that do probably are waiting for god to do his bit.
and please use paragraphs. my eye sight is good (which is amazing when you think about it), and i dont want to ruin it by straining to read your words.
this forum and its critics of God's plan to destroy ALL evil people
Can you provide examples of instances persons on this forum have said that God destroying evil people would be a bad thing?
Dude, you really tilted the dumb-post-meter here.
Great, you finally admit that you want God to destroy people. What you fail to mention is your faith wants god to horribly destroy everyone that does'nt believe as you do. Once again, more JW doublespeak propaganda. Take your proselytizing & hypocrisy, as well as your OWN "prophetic Ideas" that you spout on this board & go back to your bloodthirsty, child-molesting, lying publishing Co. Is your time in for the month? Well, don't count it here, we've had more than enough of that stupid retarded pyramid scheme Corporation to last several lifetimes.
Derrick isn't in the wt religion, or wasn't. But he worships the same god.
Hey derrick, after jehovahgod kills everyone except you and the dubs, what do you think that the jw elders are going to do to you, when they find out you aren't a watchtower worshipper?
but SOME of you people have always attacked Christianity for longing for the day when Jehovah God iradicates every wannabe Saddam and bin Laden from the face of this Earth! Go figure. Derrick
Jehovah God eradicated a whole lot more than just the saddam types. He eradicated women and young boys and girls and babies by the millions. ( see entire O.T. for complete documentation and proofs )
Jehovah, if he exists, is an immoral, spineless wimp. All that omniscience, omnipotence, and omnibenevolence, and he hasn't lifted a solitary pinky to help out with the suffering of innocent, good people. Even if he wipes out all of the evil people tomorrow, it'll be too little, too late. But, of course, tomorrow with be another humdrum day, with the same stuff, good and bad, as always, and champions of Christianity will continue their vain attempts to reconcile the pain and suffering of the world with a god who self-contradicts himself out of existence.
Dedalus (who is waiting for the second coming of Lulu, the invisible pink unicorn, who is the real savior of humankind)