Know what makes me terribly sad about some on these forums?

by Derrick 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    This is Derrick's reasons for not offering any rebuttal:

    : For anyone interested in unsensational fact, I have not been to this forum SINCE MY LAST REPLY TO THIS TOPIC maybe 5 days ago. This is a classic and predictable response from a few bashers to claim I "hit and run" when in fact I replied to this topic, then castigate me for an absence. Believe it or not, I don't live on this forum. I have a life outside this forum and cannot visit more than once a week.

    After he gave the reason above, he skillfully presented his "rebuttal" to his original argument. I have shortened it to include the relevant parts:



    "I have shortened it to include the relevant parts: "......LOL!...OUTLAW

  • BeelzeDub

    :You are simply WRONG that the official teaching of JWs is that only JWs will survive Armageddon.

    A few weeks ago a local elder was giving a talk about how JW's should not date anyone outside of the orginization. He said the following:

    "If you even think about dating someone who is not one of JW, than you might just as well go on down to the morg and pick out a corpse!"

    Then even sicker... these words were repeated by many after the meeting as "good points" from the talk.

    So why are these statements being said from the platform if this is not "the official teaching of JWs" ?????


  • dedalus


    Exactly! In addition to all of the quotes I posted, which are directly from the Organization itself, there are all kinds of examples of things dubs say and do that reflect the doctrine that "only Jehovah’s Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the ‘great crowd,’ as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural home of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil."

    I remember the last convention I went to, where the speaker was literally shouting that "ONLY THOSE WHO ARE INSIDE JEHOVAH'S CHOSEN ORGANIZATION WILL SURVIVE ARMAGEDDON!" (He judiciously added that even some of those people would die, their blood joining the river of blood flowing in the streets.)

    And I remember the last Watchtower study I went to, where a loyal dub said that being in the organization was like being on Noah's ark -- if you weren't in it, you were going to die with the rest of the world. An appreciative murmer of approval washed over the congregation before the elder conducting the study trudged on to the next paragraph.

    Really, people in the Organization say this kind of stuff all the time.

    But I digress. Derrick, if you're still reading this, you don't have to settle with anecdotal evidence. I've provided quotes directly from the literature of the organization. I still want to know what you think of it. If I've misunderstood, please explain how.


  • dedalus


  • joelbear

    Truly evil people make up a very small percentage of the people of the earth. Truly good people make up a very small percentage on the other end of the spectrum. Most people live day to day and just try to survive and have a bit of happiness now and again. These people are sometimes conned into believing things and following leaders that harm themselves and others. These people are sometimes oppressed and tortured into doing bad things against their good nature.

  • dedalus
    Truly evil people make up a very small percentage of the people of the earth. Truly good people make up a very small percentage on the other end of the spectrum. Most people live day to day and just try to survive and have a bit of happiness now and again.

    And Witnesses believe that Jehovah's going to kill all of them. Dedalus

  • Farkel


    Rick won't respond. He never does when his bullshit is exposed. He used to handle that problem brilliantly by having posters like me and others own posts deleted when they exposed his lack of clear thinking.

    He must be "wailing and gnashing his teeth" now because he no longer has that sort of power over us.

    Farkel, who wonders: "exactly, HOW do people actually KNASH their teeth? Is there a book to buy that explains how to do it?" Curious minds like me need to know these things.

  • unclebruce




  • unclebruce

    My wife's a tooth grinder (in her sleep mostly) maybe she's got Hebrew genes or something. lol

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