by wifibandit 80 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • smiddy

    Everybody who partakes at the memorial should feel indignant and insulted that the G.B. says , and obviously exclude themselves.

    It should piss a lot of people off.


  • sparrowdown

    I'm sorry if this offends anyone, ( who am I kidding no I'm not) but I really think attempting to differentiate between "genuine" annointed and the merely confused is like debating how the transporter from star trek works or if Superman really wears his undies on the outside.

    Both arguments are about things that don't exist.

  • username
    What did they sign in those bibles? Signed by god?!
  • 2+2=5
    I am surprised they even touched the subject. What a crazy doctrinal shit-hole the GB find themselves "guardians" of.
  • wozza

    Buffoons,,,,,why then, take a record of partakers ,record the number ,exclude yourself and then say there will be a number who are mentally deluded into thinking that they are of the 144K?

    The figures are worthless UNLESS the observers take note of the partakers and then interrogate them ,like the old saying goes...".point a finger at someone and there's more fingers pointing back at you".

  • slimboyfat
    The anointed have officially gone from being the "faithful slave" to just ordinary Witnesses to mentally ill misfits in the space of just a few years. That's some demotion!
  • alanv

    Once again Watchtower got it wrong.

    Six Convincing Lines of Evidence” that we are in the Last Days. … Sixth, the number of genuine anointed disciples of Christ is dwindling, though some will evidently still be on earth when the great tribulation begins. Most of the remnant are quite elderly, and over the years the number of those who are truly anointed has been getting smaller.” (Watchtower 2000 Jan 15 p.13)

  • prologos

    The numbers of 'partakers/anointed that wt publishes are way too low all the time, all christians should partake, except Christ himself-" keep doing this." he said, all the invited guests partook. before they ever thought of anointing. and then,

    it is only a nice ritual with wine under a springtime full moon, with no other cosmic, world ruler meaning.

  • jonza

    So in WT 5/1/2007 they say this: "we cannot set a specific date for when the calling of Christians to the heavenly hope ends."

    So people listen, obey, and be bles.... wait, not blessed... insulted!

  • wisdomfrombelow
    Reading about their new numbering system and seeing how it is inconsistent between the public and study issues is really strange. I wonder why they didn't just use No 2 instead of "January" for the study edition? Did they not think publishers could figure that out? Would it make it too easy to confuse with the public edition that they might inadvertently offer the study edition in the ministry? It is just another oddity.

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