The analogy does not work. This is an open exchange of ideas. It just happens that the bloodthirsty wannakillababy warmongers are a bit wrong about the whole thing.
Afghan Massacre
by William Penwell 59 Replies latest jw friends
lol....Nobody seems to have blanket-bombed Wales yet. It could be next on the agenda. Wales is well known for its Terrorist Chapel Singers.
OMG! somebody is using humour to make a point, on a serious thread about inhumane suffering! where are you ex-pat brit, saying its so pathetic and its just what you expect, hypocrites etc, etc?
No, just like the US think they are. The WT is just another example of many american based institutions.
BTW, i read the thread you are refering to and I didn't see anything there that was so insulting to americans.
its easy...just admit the US was wrong and we won'T have hard feelings! J/K!
They are either slowly leaving because their opinion is not worth it (according to some of you) or they are being shunned because they have voiced their opinions...
But I guess you can all be happy now that you can have WHOLE threads with almost everyone that think like you posting on them...
And this one is the perfect example...
Erm ... no, I've noticed a propencity for *some* pro-war people to avoid difficult subjects or not really address the issue but attack something else completely as you have just done.
Of course no one is being shunned for voicing an opinion! That is rediculous beyond belief.
And it's ironic that you accuse people of wanting to have everyone think like them and agree with a certain opinion ...
BTW: I think "the US was wrong" is a bit strong and inflammatory.
In this case they appear to have gone along with some awful deeds and it's disappointing that they have not signed up to the world court so that those responsible can be tried independantly and punished appropriately.
I've noticed a propencity for *some* pro-war people to avoid difficult subjects or not really address the issue but attack something else completely as you have just done.
First of all... I AM NOT "pro-war"... now who's calling names here...
And I was NOT addressing "the issue" because my post was NOT directed towards the topic of the thread... it was AS QUOTED directed to a question by TH that I answered IMHO.
Of course no one is being shunned for voicing an opinion! That is rediculous beyond belief.
You know better than that... and A LOT of people here know better than that... they READ the board.
You know better than that... and A LOT of people here know better than that... they READ the board.
Then why don't you explain it email and stop with this silly "cryptic crap" trying to hint at something that is not happening or make out there is something going on that isn't.
Also, I'd love to know how exactly one get's shunned on a forum. Do we not reply to people's post or something?
Then why don't you explain it email and stop with this silly cryptic crap trying to hint at something that is not happening.
I really don't have to... that statement only proves you're the only one that is clueless...IMHO
Jeez ... it's like having a conversation with an 8 year old.
If you have something you want to say, they say it. If you are simply out to cast a cloud over me then you can leave. Will this help you with your objectives if I did this for you?