maybe he is talking about dakota?
Afghan Massacre
by William Penwell 59 Replies latest jw friends
Getting shunned on a forum is easy, just do what I do.
Post to a war topic and then get totaly ignored while the 'you said' 'he/she said' carries on.
Just goes to show what is important, bashing the ones who disagree rather than discussing the topic.
If you have something you want to say, they say it. If you are simply out to cast a cloud over me then you can leave. Will this help you with your objectives if I did this for you?
Are you threatining to BAN ME from this board JUST BECAUSE I Voiced MY OPINION Simon?
and talking about PEOPLE insulting others... the following are YOUR quotes JUST from today:
email: if you have any sort if intelligent point to make then you need to make it more clearly I'm afraid.
Jeez ... it's like having a conversation with an 8 year old.
Are you threatining to BAN ME from this board JUST BECAUSE I Voiced MY OPINION Simon?
No, but I have neither the time or the inclination to play silly games and cata and mouse. I notice you STILL have not said what you think some problem is so my assumption is that you have decided to make out there is something untoward going on (going off the pattern of all your recent posts toward me) and try and needle / goad me into deactivating you so that you can then claim it proves whatever point it is you are trying to make (and poorly I might add).
and talking about PEOPLE insulting others... the following are YOUR quotes JUST from today:
Well, I deserve to be shot for those don't I? I mean ... what despicable inhuman name calling that was ...
If you review the thread that you have clipped those odd sentances from and put them into context they are not the insults you make out.
Now, I will ask you for the umpteenth time ... what is your problem?
give it a rest for christ sake!
I don't have ANY problem... in fact I don't have ANY problem with any member of this board... I have respected EVERYONE and unlike YOU I have NEVER called anyone names or insulted their intelligence like you have done.
try and needle / goad me into deactivating you so that you can then claim it proves whatever point it is you are trying to make (and poorly I might add).
LOL... that statement is funny to say the least....What was THAT all about?... Do you think I have some sort of "plot" against you of some sort?... Maybe we did have a plot when we graciously "plotted" to collect and give you money to help you out with the expenses for running your board... yeah... maybe THAT's my "problem" being nice and considerate to you as I have NEVER called you names...
Now... Having that said... may I ask you ... what is YOUR problem with ME?
So email do you or don't you agree with this massacre? Why don't you address the subject of this thread?
You have several times either outright or indirectly alluded to me being like the WTS which as I'm sure you know is really insulting to an exJW.
Also, you seem to suggest that I am biased and allow 'anti-war' people to have a say while denying 'pro-war' people an equal voice. I would look into and consider any evidence of this but do not believe I have. I am aware that I have strong opinions of my own and would be charged with being biased so have consciously made sure that I did not lock or edit any pro-war posts except where I thought it was absolutely necessary.
I may be wrong, this is just the impression I get from your posts to me. I'm sorry you think I have a problem with you - it appeared to me that you were angling for something and I am not the most patient person when someone won't tell me what they have a problem with (if I think they have one)
As for contributing: I obviously don't know who gave what (or who snogged who ) but I am grateful for any support that people give in the expenses of running the site. I'm sure everyone is well aware by now that much as I would love to offer something in return, contributing to the site does not gain any favour or priveledge and I do my best to treat everyone equally without any regard to whether they have given anything or not. At times this does put tme in the unfortunate position of disagreeing with someone who has been supportive but I think that is preferable (not the disagreeing part) to 'being bought'.
Can we mark all this down as a misunderstanding?
William Penwell
I like how these "pro-war" people ignore the topic and hijack the thread to sidetrack the real issue. If this was 3000 American POW's that were butchered we would never hear the end of it. Can you people at least admit that something very wrong was done and that a through investigation should be conducted to get to the truth? Lets be selfish for a moment and say these Taliban fighters deserved what they got but If the US whitewashes this incident like nothing happened then their credibility is in question. What right then does Bush have getting on his moral "high horse" and condemn others for their evil ways?
Maybe if people understood that being 'pro-war' (in the case of Iraq) does not equal 'pro-massacre' there would be more intelligent discussion on this thread.
As the thread stands, there is nothing to discuss. It has degenerated into childish name calling.