After Syriah, then logically some "Protective Intervention" in Lebanon, since the current regime are a bunch of Zionist nuts.
Afghan Massacre
by William Penwell 59 Replies latest jw friends
William Penwell
Yeah well they are at it they better take care of those Canadians to, seeing they are not bowing to Emperor Bush.
Your right Duba, the same way that all anti-war people are not pro Saddam people.
Yes I was going to comment, where is all the Bush appoligists now??
i love the generalizations....keep them flying guys. anyone who is "pro-war" is immediately a "bush apologist" who blanketly agrees with everything any u.s. soldier does.....and of course bush personally condones these actions himself, lol. almost as sickening as this report is the constant negative reference made to anyone prowar at every possible turn.
the report is sick, and if its confirmed the u.s. soldiers involved should be treated according to the geneva convention and prosecuted for war crimes, plain and simple.
(ps...just noticed my point was already voiced by expat, so ill repost the comments here):
However, I don't see why this is being linked to the subject of being either pro or anti the war in Iraq. What I do see is anti-war and anti-American people trawling the news to find everything they can that casts the American military and politicians in a bad light. In other words, William Penwell, you don't actually give a toss about those massacred Talibanis, do you? They're just a jolly useful bit of news to advance your anti-American agenda (yeah yeah some of your best friends are American blah blah).
anyone who is "pro-war" is immediately a "bush apologist"
Dubla, honestly I don't think your that dumb, have you been to a pro-war/pro-troops ralley, how many of them are anti-bush? I think being pro-war/and not pro-bush is an exception to the rule.
t h-
you didnt post my entire is the sentence in its entirety, ill bold/italic the part that you apparently missed:
anyone who is "pro-war" is immediately a "bush apologist" who blanketly agrees with everything any u.s. soldier does.....and of course bush personally condones these actions himself, lol.
sounds a little different with the rest of the comment doesnt it? there are plenty of people who support the war and are against bush...but thats not even the point i was trying to make. why would you attempt to misrepresent what i was saying?.....thats not like you at all, im truly shocked.
I think being pro-war/and not pro-bush is an exception to the rule.
Count me in as yet another exception then.
BTW I just hate the term pro-war. Who is really ever pro-war, anyway? It's like anti-abortionists using the term pro-death instead of pro-choice. I guess they are all loaded terms in one way or another. I'd rather be characterized as anti-inaction or a pragmatist.
Dubla, honestly I don't think your that dumb, have you been to a pro-war/pro-troops ralley, how many of them are anti-bush? I think being pro-war/and not pro-bush is an exception to the rule.
Oh, your velvet tongue.....
FYI, there are quite a few democrats (elected officials) who supported the war. I do not think they are the exception. I do not think they like GW. In fact, I would hazard a guess and say many are anti-Bush.
Assuming everyone who supports the war is *Pro-Bush*....well, you know the rest of the saying, I am sure.
Teen, I meant what I said, I don't think he's dumb, so what is your point? I'm just trying to point out there is a reason for the maybe mis-conception that pro-war people are pro-bush. Because many of these support the troops rallys, are really just support bush and everything he does rallys. Ask me if I care what some democrats are doing, I'm not a democrat, and I think the democrats have wimped out. This isn't about party lines, because I have met many anti-war, republicans, that still support many of bushs other policy's. I think bush is doing our troops a great diservice, by cutting vetrans benifits by 25%. My point all along has been that, while were cutting all these things, we're spending billions on war. Don't you think your children, say having a good education, is better than going to war? I have no love for the democrats, they are the ones that got the DMCA(Digital Millenium Copyright Act) in acted.
t h-
I have met many anti-war, republicans, that still support many of bushs other policy's
did you tell them they were morons for following a moron? just wondering, since youve made that implication many times on this board about anyone who supports bush.
the fact that youve met antiwar republicans that support bush underlines the fact that there are no doubt prowar democrats that hate bush.........
I think being pro-war/and not pro-bush is an exception to the rule.
This isn't about party lines
these two statements are contradictory, cant you see that?
My point is that I am an exception also. Your statement that dubla is *dumb* because he does not have the same opinion as you, is just not productive. When I see people called names for having a different opinion, I think the name caller is 1) a bully and 2) does not have a very strong counter-arguement.
I don't like or care for many things Bush has done. However, I think getting rid of Saddam was a good move. At this point, I think we have all debated it to death. I won't change my mind and I won't bother trying to change yours.
I think cutting vets benefits if terrible. However, we, by electing officials who will fight this, can have a say.
Education is crucial. I don't think throwing more money at it is the answer. I think the US has proven that the education model favored is not working. Not enough math or science. Do I have an answer? No. However, rather than just say "Let's spend more", we need to look at school systems (the world over) that are working and try to emulate their model. Obviously, something has to be done.