Hi everyone...
What is it about this place? What is it that keeps drawing me back when I have
all these plans to try to just leave the JW issues alone, behind me and think
about other things?
I find its a strange phenomenon. The harder I try to stay away from it, the more
life throws the whole thing back up in my face.
I've been asking myself for awhile if there's some purpose behind it...something I'm
supposed to be doing with my life that I'm not yet? Oprah says that listening to your
life isn't a "Moses in the burning bush moment, people!" and that first God whispers in
your ear, then he speaks, then he yells, etc etc.
Am I supposed to be doing something more here!?
So what keeps pulling me back here like a moth to the flame? I can only think in the end that
it has to be the people. It has to be Mommy, and Mommie Dark, and Dedalus and
Tina and Thinkerswife and nojw and Silentlambs...
It's got to be you guys. You're with me wherever I go, and I guess this little chickadee isn't
ready to fly the coop yet.
What is up with that!!! Anyone else feel this way, that you think that you're ready to just chuck
the whole deal and really want to get on with your life...but the people who are struggling
with the issues that you have keep calling you back?
Rambling....and posting BC again (before coffee)
Love ya all
p.s. thanks so much to everyone who posted replies to the Smelling the roses thread...I'm sorry
I didn't reply, hope I didn't offend anyone. I have been on an emotional rollercoaster the past week,
crying for no reason, that kind of thing...I read them all, thanks guys *hugs all around*