Like a moth to a flame

by Esmeralda 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • mommy

    Welcome The bad back is what started my addiction to this board, so watch out. I am able to join the work force again, and internet service is a prerequisite for the job
    Hope to hear from you.

  • larc

    Dear Friends,

    Why am I here and why do keep coming back?

    My wife and I left before 1975. When we did so, there were no books and no support groups. All we had was each other. We promply got busy with starting our lives together and tryed not to look back on friends and family we had lost. When we were first out we would try to explain the culture we came from, but for the outsider, they just didn't get it. It was very frustrating. Many years later, we found out about Franz's book as well as Penton's and the writings of Ron Frey. I was very helpful. It was not until this past December that we got on the internet and found this place.

    I love talking to "like minded" people. If validates what I know, and I hope that I can be of help to you in your time of need. I know that if I had a personal problem, I would come here to share it with you.

    I think RHW's analogy to the VFW is a good one. We have been through the war, and we can share experiences that no one else would understand. It is very theraputic.

    I find myself going in cycles. Sometimes, I have long periods of time where I give no thought whatsoever, to my cultural heritage. At other times, I spend a great deal of time on the issue.

    I love this community of friends here. I have great affection all of you.

  • Jang

    Es: The past won't go away and so many of us who have tried to "get on with life" and tried to
    pretend we are 'normal' find that our past just keeps popping up and hitting us between the eyes!

    It happens when we hear of somone else suffering as we have been, we just cannot ignore their
    plight and live with ourselves. So we open up and even though it pains us at times to remember, we
    know that in helping others, we also help ourselves.

    This is why ex-whatevers keep on getting on the boards or go to support groups .... and why people
    who have been through trauma go back and help others like them.

    For the last 20 years I have only asked one thing of those I have supported: That they pass on the
    support to one more person and have them do the same.

    So to all of you who keep coming back and helping the newbies, congratulations for opeining yourselves up
    to that extent.


  • jezebel influence
    jezebel influence

    Dear Essie,
    Sorry to hear of your illness.

    I had started studying again about a year and a half ago because I wanted to learn about God through my own decision not forced by a parent.But then my bro and sis showed me info of the internet and also 'crisis of concience'.

    I was already having problems noticing the backstabbing etc in the cong,and couldnt take the blood issue,attitude to women and children and many other aspects of JWS life.

    So I found this forum,and although Idont always-or ever post in the debates about religion,I like to listen to others and learn.It also motivates me to get out my bible,and read occasionaly.

    I am trying to find my place in this earth.And people here have been very friendly and given me very wise advise about things they have experienced that I am also.

    I too am an OPRAH fan-she is amazing dont you think!
    I am trying to find my spirit and the meaning in life.

    My family isnt what I would want it to be,and I dont have many friends now since having children quite young.
    So I get the socialising here alittle bit!And people reaffirm my trust in human kindness.

    I hope you feel better soon,


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