Beckyboop's story

by beckyboop 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sentinel

    Becky, what a wonderful story. You had sadness for certain; but that sadness turned into acceptance and love, with lots of compassion all the way around. Obviously, the love you receive, is because of the love you give. The love you have for yourself, and therefore, the love you can give to others because of that. So refreshing to read about good things.

  • gold_morning


    What an incredible idea!! Can you imagine a book filled with JW stories? I truly think you have something here. Testimonies mean so much as you can feel the reality of them. We have all been there. Different names, dates, times and places.....but the feelings were all the same.

    How do we get something like this going.

    BECKY!! I LOVED YOUR STORY. Thank you for the time it took to write it. It sounded very much like my own in several places.

    Hugs, gold_morning

  • SloBoy

    Thank-you Becky for sharing a part of your journey, very encouraging............though the specifics of each of our experiences vary, the dynamics of guilt, shame, frustration, discouragement, anger, hurt, and at times despair are pretty much the same as we negotiate life in/thru/out of the WBTS. Yet pain is a great motivator and yes, problems are usually messages. I was the poster child for the "Witness that just couldn't get it right". My wife (just celebrated 26 yrs.) on the other hand, was doing all she could possibly do. You know the type, "elderette", pioneer, parts at assemblies.......but here we are today,like you, regaling in this strangely cathartic metamorphosis. It takes a lot of courage and FAITH to live life not "knowing" how it's all suppose to work-out. But it can also be profoundly amazing. Experiences like yours make my day. Sometimes my wife and I entertain ourselves by guessing who will be the next person to knock on our door, tells us they too have seen the "light", at which time we will all embrace, perhaps go our seperate ways and let this wild ride continue. Peace to you.


  • Redneckgurl


    Hi! I only hope that I can find someone to talk to openly about what we both understand like you did. It has already helped so much to talk here, but to have a friend like you did must be so helpful emotionally! Thanks for sharing your experience with such detail. These stories really help me. (or my family would say that Satan is hurting me with them, but I don't "feel" that at all.)


  • unclebruce
    I am surrounded by many friends (including my ex-husband, who with his partner are very good friends of ours

    Is that natural?

    Good on you Becky, thanks for sharing your life. awesome .. you too Inuit39!

    best wishes, unclebruce

  • Yesterdays Child
    Yesterdays Child

    Great post I really enjoyed that.Wow so of us many with so much in common.

  • beckyboop

    (((((Freedom 96)))))--Thanks for reading my story.

    (((((Mystery))))))--Great idea about a book--let me know if it goes anywhere.

    (((((Bittersweet))))--Thanks for responding--I too hope we'll be able to meet in May. Intuit 39 is an incredible person--and I'm the lucky one for having him in my life.

    ((((Sentinel))))--One of my hardest lessons to learn was that we don't ever run out of love (unless we stop giving it). It's not a limited supply; and like you said, the more we give out the more that comes back to us.

    ((((Gold-morning))))--I agree with the book idea. And I'd love to hear how our lives' were similar.

    ((((Sloboy))))--Bingo! "Not knowing" how life is going to turn out almost drove me crazy at first--we got so used to the idea of a paradise that we stopped living each day. I've finally learned to enjoy the uncertainty and live life to it's fullest (now I'm working on not being afraid of everything).

    ((((Redneck gurl))))--I personally believe that having people to talk to while going through leaving the dubs helps us tremendously to heal and move forward. Hopefully, you can meet friends at a local apostafest who can be moral support for you. There are MANY ex-jw's out there to be found; and many more online that you can also befriend through emails. Mine is [email protected] if you need someone to vent to.

    ((((Uncle Bruce))))--For some reason your posts always crack me up! And in answer to your question, no, it's probably not "natural"; but who said I was "natural" in the first place? I'm different, and I've gots lots of things to prove it....

    ((((Yesterday's Child))))--I agree! The more stories we read about each other just proves we are NOT alone!

    Thanks again to everyone who read my story. I look forward to learning more about you all too.



  • nightwarrior

    This is the first time that i had read your inspiration from basicaly death to life story,

    yes i felt touched as a human being ,you have done and seen more than most of us could hope to see but the interesting thing is that you opened your heart and soul to new experiencess in your life you never gave up you faced your fears,you admitted that man was controlling your life you met destiny in the face and conquered everyones fears whom are still subject to the organization, pass that rainbow around and lighten everyones life with a little more imput on to the board,yes lovely reading you have even reached good old England see youe story has even travelled to many of us in England .you even kept your relationship going with your ex which was allso great,as you both kept together


  • beckyboop

    Thanks ((((Nightwarrior)))))! Unfortunately, I don't post much on the forum. I do try to chime in when I'm particularly moved, and I like to read the variety of experiences and thoughts of many online. It makes me feel very good when people read my story and like it, because we ALL have our own stories to tell.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    I only know for sure that each day I wake up is another to live, love, forgive, and enjoy life.

    Wow, that says it all.... great post, love the way your writing flows. Thanks for sharing, I can't agree more with the other posters...very inspiring.

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