imho, that's the "operative phrase"you should be dealing with. A fling won't change that you're in an unhappy 14-yr relationship. Change your life, and then, perhaps, exchange your men.
excellent point, giving away some "Coochie" ain't going to change her life one bit, her issues are much deeper and some "In and Out, In and Out" will not help
your recommendation is an excellent one, here you have 2 folks with issues in their life him and her, both are married and until they address those issues life will remain the same
perhaps she needs to move on without her current husband, but just like leaving WT, it is not so much THE LEAVING it is often times THE WAY ONES LEAVES
if one doesn't prepare themselves to leave wt or their mate,, it can be very difficult more difficult than it has to be-
she is opening up a can of worms, divorce , family home, money, career, self worth, the whole nine yards
what works for one doesn't work for all is for sure, but i have seen so many former jw leave wt and head straight into destructive behavoir or destructive relationship-
if this guy is the one then leave your man, let him leave his wife and move forward,
I think especially for women this road is often times harder- while many woman can sleep with a guy and feel nothing, yet i have seen more women than men end up feeling empty, but hey the choice is hers and here on this site we don't DF