Jurs.......... I watch a lot of movies,,,,, and I know this sounds corney and all, but getting away to that moutain cabin ALL BY YOURSELF , might be just what your soul needs right now. I am sure the idea of the affair and all is still on your mind, but you sound like you need to give some time for YOURSELF
THIS IS why i love this NET "THANG" the advice is clear and from the heart and so excellent
when we were in wt we could never get such honest and sincere advice- it was always in the context of "How will it make the organization look: here the concern is for the person mental and physical health- the possible emotion drain and the issue of STD-
the advice above is the Key, one must take care of "SELF FIRST" THE WT always told us that was selfish and not self sacrificing
i saw my own mom give up her life in hopes of saving the marrige and that one day my dad COULD BE OWN WITHOUT A WORD
and now at 60 they finally divorce, she should have left my dad, 30yrs ago and i get along great with my dad, but they were not made for each other and so they lived together and suffered , gave up on thier personal dreams, etc for the sake of the kids- BAD DECISION