Cult or Religion

by Richard C B 225 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Richard C B
    Richard C B
    @ startreck ,, haha very good and yes i will thanks for the advice
  • StarTrekAngel
    I thought you said the "cult" status was just our ex-member resentful perception, not something that could be substantiated thru research.
  • cofty
    Disfellowshiping is irrelevant to this discussion.

    Please defend this statement.

  • Richard C B
    Richard C B
    ok cofty give me a minute i will try to
  • Londo111

    No, Jehovah’s Witnesses are not a cult.

    (You had me at No! Case closed! BTW...what cult would agree that they are a cult? They all say:“Trust us, we are not a cult!” They might even be sincere in saying it, but it doesn’t neccararilly change the truth of the matter.

    Rather, we are Christians who do our best to follow the example set by Jesus Christ and to live by his teachings. (As are many Christian groups, including some who have left the JW organization)

    What is a cult? (Let’s define the word for you and then prove that we do not meet the definition we provided)

    The term “cult” means different things to different people. (True…which is why the best people to consult would be those who study cults, like Hassan, Lipton, Festinger and other trained professionals, rather than say...Joe Sixpack)

    However, consider two common perceptions regarding cults and why those perceptions don’t apply to us. (again, selecting two perceptions rather than focusing on what trained professionals mean when they say cult)

    Some think of a cult as being a new or unorthodox religion. (Yet as Steven Hassan has pointed out, a cult is not a group with unusual beliefs, but the level of control and undue influence)

    Jehovah’s Witnesses have not invented a new religion. On the contrary, we pattern our worship after that of the first-century Christians, whose example and teachings were recorded in the Bible. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) We believe that the Holy Scriptures should be the authority on what is orthodox in matters of worship. (This is the claim of many religious organizations. Of course, it is not the Bible that is the authority, but the interpretation of the Bible as provided by the Governing Body…plus whatever other edicts they hand down that have no justification at all from Scripture)

    Some think of a cult as being a dangerous religious sect with a human leader. Jehovah’s Witnesses do not look to any human as their leader. Rather, we adhere to the standard that Jesus set for his followers when he stated: “Your Leader is one, the Christ.”—Matthew 23:10.

    This definition strikes closer to the truth and JWs meet it 100%. While lip service is giving that Christ is leader and nobody else, in practice the organization has a very pronounced hierarchy of religious leaders: elders, circuit overseers, branch overseers, that all answer to the Governing Body. JWs ultimately follow the Governing Body and if they do not (or simply it becomes known they do not believe they are God’s sole channel) they are shunned by their friends and family.

    Whenever a JW mentions the Governing Body or a member of the Governing Body, you can often hear the reverence in their voice. If someone gives honest criticism toward them, a JW will react very harshly. While the Governing Body has been a composite leader since 1975, before that the Org was ruled by its charismatic Presidents: Russell, Rutherford, Knorr/Franz. One man as leader vs a small group of men: that does not make a difference.

    Far from being a dangerous cult, Jehovah’s Witnesses practice a religion that benefits its members and others in the community.

    (Tens of thousands dead due to the blood transfusion ban and other bans over the decades on fractions and organ transplants, suicides due to shunning, families and friendships broken, the pressure to avoid higher education and make other life choices…it is a dangerous group. Perhaps one of the most dangerous cults in modern times).

    For example, our ministry has helped many people to overcome harmful addictions, such as the abuse of drugs and alcohol.

    Other groups (even cults) can claim the same. The People’s Temple helped people in this regard! Look at what happened to them in Jonestown.

    In addition, we conduct literacy classes around the world, helping thousands learn to read and write.

    Yes, but the catch is that there is an agenda to converting people. Other groups help people without any agenda, just purely to help people…I know, I was involved in the Micah Initiative for a couple years.

    And we are actively involved in disaster relief. We work hard to have a positive impact on others, just as Jesus commanded his followers to do.—Matthew 5:13-16.

    Many groups are involved in disaster relief too, but don’t try to milk the PR from it. Often, take Hurricane Andrew or Katrina for example, mostly JWs are helped and then “encouraged” to send their insurance check to Watchtower.

  • OneEyedJoe
    you guys think im defending them because im not attacking them. I refuse to attack them and I refuse to attack you also. I want to see both sides of things then i can conclude myself what I belive. I respect all your viewpoints.

    No, we see you as defending them because you've only issued counterpoints and never given a single piece of evidence that they are a cult. Now, there's a difference between defending a thought and accepting it, so I can't say what exactly it is you believe and it's understandable that for the purposes of debate you would defend since basically everyone here is going to be on the opposite side. Make no mistake, though, you are defending them.

  • freemindfade

    I didn't attack you Richard. Just responding in my words to the OP. Cult and Religion are the same.




    a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.

    "the cult of St. Olaf"

    a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.

    "a network of Satan-worshiping cults"

    synonyms: sect, denomination, group, movement, church, persuasion, body, faction

    "a religious cult"

    a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.

    "a cult of personality surrounding the leaders"

    synonyms: obsession with, fixation on, mania for, passion for, idolization of, devotion to, worship of, veneration of

    "the cult of eternal youth in Hollywood"

    Witnesses do fall into a systematic way of high control. ie dangerous cult. I faded out and didn't really think that at first, but then the more the onion was peeled back I realized they are full blown high control.

  • Richard C B
    Richard C B

    @startreck,, yes i did say that is an aspect from a piont of view but im open to other ideas as well im not dogmatic in my views if an argument has strength then i will definitely look into it.

    @cofty about the disfellowshiping, Ill throw it back to you why do you think its relevant?

  • Richard C B
    Richard C B
    @one eyed joe,,, if im defending anyone im actually defended myself to a degree, with my limited knowledge of these things. so im learning as well and everyones points and views are of value here.
  • cappytan
    Londo111's systematic destruction of the "I am not a crook" "We are not a cult" article on JW dot ORG should be it's own thread. That was beautiful.

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