Is everyone bitter against JW's?

by Redneckgurl 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Redneckgurl

    Hi! I have to post this question, because as I was trying so hard to talk to my husband about what I am learning and what others are saying, he is saying I am not doing this objectively at all, and only hearing things from bitter exJW's who are angry at the org for something. I say this isn't true, I wasn't searching for answers due to a negative occurance in my life, and I don't believe everyone here was either. He says I am only emotional about this, and trying to find reasons to prove all the things I have learned as wrong.

    Well, I am trying to think this out, I thought I was trying to prove that what I had learned my whole life was right! If it is so right, how can I prove it wrong? Can some of you help me with an answer to him? I am sure this would come under the heading "why did you leave?", but I think I need more specifically to know if you are all angry and bitter about something that happened in your life.

    Thanks for helping me out!


  • Maverick

    Don't expect too much from your husband. Most walk away because of things that happen from within not outside. I began to bottom-line things. I stopped being an idealist long enough to see that what they said was not what they did. I am slow, it took a long time. I became depressed and even the thought of going to meetings would set off feelings of melancholy. I had to travel to Australia where a dear friend helped me to see my way clear. Hopefully you too can be free, but as for anyone else, they have to take that first step themselves. Maverick

  • minimus

    I'm not bitter. I was raised a Witness but I feel quite simply they do not speak for God and that the "faithful and discreet slave class" is not a reference to them. The truth stands on its own merits. If a person refuses to objectively inquire about their personal religious beliefs, I would question, Why???? If this is the truth then we should be able to disect the truth, examine it and question. This is healthy. What is dangerous is believing in credulity.

  • Pleasuredome

    ask him if people who go on to higher education at universities, or people who go and find out in formation at their local library are just doing it because they are emotional.

    'finding reasons' to prove the WTS is wrong does not discredit the proof that they are wrong, but is an attack on you and why you are doing it in order to make the proof seem wrong. it's what would be termed a logical fallacy, and JWs are full of logical fallacies.

    once you know what the logical fallacies are, you'll recognise it in what he is saying and you can then really drive the sword of truth in.

  • be wise
    be wise

    Can I just state the obvious and ask; Why are most people angry at the ORG for something. Answer - because they lie and decieve to cover up the truth, now is that love. Maybe they reason; well it's for the benefit of the brothers and keeping the organisation together, in other words for themselves.

    He probably won't want to hear that, though. I would copy out the threads of newbies and people who have given very personal thoughts on the web, nobody with a heart could dispute these. Also, Randy's testimony on really bowls the point home to anyone who very into what the bible teaches and what the GB teaches and then changes and then teaches again but then changes...

  • Francois

    It is your husband who is being emotional. Contrary to what he might think, showing zero emotions is a form of emotional expression, just like showing zero political activity is a form of political activity.

    If he refuses to look or listen to what you've discovered, that's an emotional reaction.


  • gold_morning


    I can't speak for everyone here, but I am not bitter. I do not dislike Jehovah's Witnesses. I dislike their legalistic religion and their false teachings.

    I spent three years searching to see if it was the truth. I am glad to say that it is not. I was raised a faithful JW. Third generation. I too have lost my mother, brother, family and friends as they no longer associate with me. But in my heart I know they are good people lost and blinded. I want for them what I have. Freedom of mind and freedom in Christ.

    Face it........for anyone to have become a JW they must have had a deep seated love for God in their hearts and a spiritual side to them. It is that satan got his teeth into them first so that their focus was put on men instead of Christ. He will do anything to get people to think it is all about "religion" rather than all about Christ.

    If you are lost, hurting or confused please just read the bible with an open mind. Don't be afraid to read and see how different it is from what they are teaching you.

    If you have any questions or need someone to talk to feel free to e-mail me.

  • JamesThomas

    Belief and worship of an anthropomorphic deity that kills and destroys and threatens to kill you if you do not love and honor it, is one of the major root causes of mans inhumanity to man and our rampant spiritual bankruptcy. From where I sit, this gives me exceptional and valid reason to be angry and "bitter" with most all religion, but especially the Witnesses, who have honed -- repugnant and demoralizing concepts of God -- down to a fine art. JamesT

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I think it is safe to say that most people do what they do because they believe it is right. Wouldn't you agree?

    Now, if a person changes their mind about some former belief, and comes to see it as a completely unprofitable waste of their time - comes to believe that they were lied to and that they wasted a portion of their LIFE - how likely is it that such a person would not have at least some resentment for the time wasted and opportunities lost due to that former defective and mistaken belief?

    How may active Jehovah's Witnesses are happy that they were once Catholics, or Jews, or Muslims or Atheists? None of them. They view their previous religious conviction as having been a waste of their time, since they now "know the truth."

    So do we.

    The difference is that real TRUTH is congruent with observable reality. Thus the WTS "Trooth(tm)" is not real Truth, because it requires that you believe things that contradict the evidence of your senses (and history).

    Accept no substitutes.

    You have one life.

    Tick by Tock, is is moving along to its conclusion.

    You are entitled to resent whatever portion of it you feel was wasted by liars.

    As the saying goes, "this is not a dress reheasal for something to follow - this is it."

  • DanTheMan
    he is saying I am not doing this objectively at all, and only hearing things from bitter exJW's who are angry at the org for something.


    has he read anything on this site for himself? Or has he taken a look at and looked at what the "bitter apostates" are saying for himself?

    Or is he judging something without even looking at it to see what is being said?


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