Well you know what ?
If someone have a gun or lets say even a knive or why not a bottle that he can break an use as a weapon against you (even without having them treatened you) well KILL HIM !!! ... Get ready to kill the whole world
And no Simon why deleete anything ? ... WE NEED THOSE RECORDS !!! ... It take lots of space but it's good record as reminder for those who feel that they can push anyone on the war side (to JUST FEEL SAFE - cause theiy are not for real and of course moreover they do insist on this side) without taking responsability for it ...
they have the choice in between :
- A liar who can't take responsability and is well protected (in contrario of his citizens for real)
- And someone who is able to get the point, step back, put gloves to get back on the peace side with the world and take time to do thinks right !!!
Who do you think they will vote for ? Well ... Will get the point after the election ...