Breaking News: Anthony Morris III no longer serving on the Governing Body

by WingCommander 773 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    i can’t add more than what Fisherman posted.

    Jesus spoke of the ‘log in our own eye’ (you know the parable) and it is well known that he (Tony Morris) had a troubled background. Who would wish to have the experiences he came through?

    Yes, he later promoted and benefited from an evil empire but given some compassion we can at least understand why he came to be a mouthpiece for such an oppressive regime.

    May God have mercy and may Morris find peace (a peace that has nothing to do with the WTS).

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    I think the bottlegate thing was vastly overblown. He was probably buying it for committee get-together's or the stock cupboard for entertaining business contacts.

    You bet it was, and in no small part due to who it was leaked to and his desire to profiteer off a sensational story.

    I’m not a smoker, never was. But I’ve purchased cigarettes, even chewing tobacco for friends and co-workers. If someone snapped a pic of me in the store buying 6 packs, they’d assume I was a heavy smoker.

    Could have been a Gilead graduation or a party they were putting on for the GB and their helpers. Could have been that he was gifting a bottle each to the other GB members. Only thing that was certain from that video was that the GB was careless with their money at best and misusing donation money at their worst.

    I’n sure he was a drinker and possibly even an alcoholic, but to assume he was buying all that for personal consumption is an assumption based on circumstantial evidence.

  • Bartolomeo

    @ Fisherman

    he was in Vietnam only as a nurse, I don't think he ever killed anyone also because given the huge ego he suffers from, he would certainly have mentioned it in one of his rants

  • llubrevlis2000

    Yeah Sam Turd keeps mentioning his time in the military and the type of guns he had in the back

    he sounds like he likes guns

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo
    I think that besides the religious facet of this man, people don’t appreciate that he served in Vietnam and if he was in the battlefield that would explain if the man drank to k1ll then hurt and the pain and the horror and the shock. If you were there you know how many US soldiers were on d7rgs just to cope with the unbearable and if they came back alive to the US after a couple of tours, they became alc0h01ics or d7ug abusers. Anyway if the booze is true, being in the battlefield may explain and mitigate.

    Maybe I sound like a judgmental prick, but thats exactly the reason a man like this has no business being a member of a Governing Body that controls the lives of 8 million people.

    Particularly when that body expects its members to exercise self-control in all areas of life and not bring reproach on the organisation, or else suffer the risk of disfellowshipping.

  • Alwaysnotgoodenough

    Two things I my opinion. His name is in to many documents in Pennsylvania and what if he has health problems, you can’t have a GB death certificate with cause of death related to alcoholism..

  • Terry
  • wannaexit
    Anyway if the booze is true, being in the battlefield may explain and mitigate.
    Sorry I can tolerate that. This is a man that told 8 million people how to act and how to do and how to feel. We are making excuses for him . He claimed to be above everyone else but he couldn't help himself.
  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    I think it is hilarious the way tru JW are reacting to all this, you never know this might wake someone up.

    I guess we just have to wait until the next “local needs” broadcast to find out what really happened. Perhaps it will be about drunkenness, perhaps it will be about diddling children, perhaps about not being drunk while you’re diddling children.

    Sorry I can tolerate that. This is a man that told 8 million people how to act and how to do and how to feel. We are making excuses for him . He claimed to be above everyone else but he couldn't help himself.

    Hope you are doing well WANNAEXIT!

    Anthony Morris is nothing but a self-righteous, bitter, smug, arrogant, egotistical old man and a terrible story teller. He talks about apostates as maggots, as matches that Jehovah will extinguish, hot dogs being split by being on an open flame. He rants on tight pants on brothers and spandex on woman. He always goes off script.

    His speaking style is boring. He looks like he has a hard time breathing. Getting old may be one thing, but he may have health issues or a drinking problem.

    I love it when these smug assholes fall down from their high mountain tops. Anthony, please don't judge anyone! You take too much delight on the destruction and deaths of all the apostates. Maybe they have real claims on why they left the organization, and you lump them all in one group.

    I take delight in his downfall!

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