Breaking News: Anthony Morris III no longer serving on the Governing Body

by WingCommander 773 Replies latest jw friends

  • llubrevlis2000

    Terry thanks for posting those videos

    one point that really stood out is how he got baptised met his wife and got married within six months!!!!

    5 mins into this one

    how has he got freeness of speech telling sisters not to marry unless he is a ministerial servant?

    there is no way Tony was an MS with six months of baptism and he hasn’t got freeness of speech about not getting married too fast

  • llubrevlis2000

    About 9 mins in

    he talks about looking at his marriage certificate which isn’t public information for the first 50 years but he said in 2022 it will be. He wanted to check his name was AnTony Morris 3rd when he was married because that was less than six months after he was baptised

  • wannaexit

    RULES, I am well . Glad we are on the same page when it comes to good old tightpants/topshelf morris.

  • Diogenesister
    Athony Morris is nothing but a self-righteous, bitter, smug, arrogant, egotistical old man and a terrible story teller. He talks about apostates as maggots, as matches that Jehovah will extinguish, hot dogs being split by being on an open flame. He rants on tight pants on brothers and spandex on woman. He always goes off script

    Not disputing this is all shitty. But R & R every one of the GB think EXACTLY the same way. All the helpers, committee members, branch bosses and Bethel overseers & elders think this and I know because the vast majority of JWs think this way, too.

    As someone who similarly gets the rough end of the stick because I too say what everyone else is thinking (but are too self interested to say), I can't help but think too much is made of him being the worst. They're all just as bad. Whilst we have men like Morris willing to say what witness beliefs REALLY entail, it's that much easier to let governments, media & worldlies know what Watchtower really teaches & JWs what goes on behind the curtain.

    As long as watchtower exists I believe we're better off with men like him in the GB.

  • Diogenesister
    He wanted to check his name was Anthony Morris 3rd when he was married because that was less than six months after he was baptised

    Interesting! Good catch about not being an ms.

    Wondering if like the other GB soldier Sam, he got baptised in order to marry the pretty JW girl that caught his eye? Sam Herd admitted it was the case for him...


    I found it very interesting and informative what ex-Jehovah's Witnesses had to say on this call-in program.

  • MeanMrMustard

    Six screens?

    Does Johnny have insider info on tight-pants Tony?

  • carla

    I just read on reddit that they removed the announcement about tight pants tony on the borg site. I personally will not go on that site so does anybody else know more?

  • InquiryMan

    It is still there,

  • EdenOne

    I think this announcement is more about what it doesn't say than what about what it says.

    The terse wording, without any praise or thank you for Tony's long and prominent service screams that this wasn't an honorable discharge; the fact that they are letting time pass without any explanation is also very telling: they know how the speculative rumor mill works and they know that Tony's reputation is being trashed by the minute and Tony knows that as well. So this silence without explanation also reeks of punishment. Clearly the GB is invested in destroying Tony's reputation by letting the rank and file JW think that this is "Jehovah cleaning his organization" and that Tony became a rotten apple that needs to go. By calling him "brother Anthony" they are telling him that he can still salvage something, but this is probably act one of a tragic full demise in shame of Tony Morris.

    What led to this? Nobody knows - yet - but I suspect we'll find out soon enough as act two unfolds within the next two weeks.

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