I know of very few people that helped bring people in the "truth". Even those who concentrated on their own families usually realize that their children do not want the "truth". Most publishers were disorganized with regard to their return visits and house-to-house records. They often were blamed for not have the productivity that was expected.........So, what about you? Were you considered a successful minister?
Were You Successful In The Ministry?
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
I was "considered" succesful because one of my first accomplishments was getting "letters of recommendation" in the form of an entire family becoming Witnesses, then pioneers, elders and Bethelites. That kept my reputation going for a long time.I had 50 RV's and usually a Bible student to keep things moving, but I hated service and only went out because I was supposed to.
I never brought anyone into the JWs, not even close.
I was an absolutely pathetic watchtower salesman. Mostly I would just dump older issues on doors. I never got anyone to go to a memorial (and only tried a few times), only had a handful of RVs in two decades of being a publisher, and those were never really in depth. Only did one bible study in field service, and that was just when the regular JW studying with the man was sick and could not make it. I only placed one book in the field.. it was the Revalation Grand Climax At Hand (what a name.. sounds like a big dildo), to some conspiracy nut. Admittedly in my last years as a Jdub, I no longer gave a damn, and it showed. Funny thing was that the elders knew I was awful out in service, did not like to talk to people at the doors, but they did not care so long as I put the time in. I had odd schedules so I would go out on days when most did not, like wednesdays, so my ex and I helped give them enough people for a car group. That went a long ways, in retrospect.
Here are my stats:
Preaching - 30 years
Number of studies started: 0
Guest 77
I enjoyed meeting different people so I had no problems with the door to door activity. I met many interesting people and we would chat about common things. Older people enjoyed my company. Instead of preaching, I went about chatting. If and when people were not interested I wouldn't force the issue, I would leave and bid them a nice day. Simple and to the point.
Guest 77
Nope and I didn't want to be.
Not a total washout - I had a Bible Study that did get baptized early in my JW career but it was downhill after that! For years I was considered "weak" and my kids and I were "marked" as a bad associates for that reason. Course, my kids couldn't have cared less - they hated going door-to-door as much as I did.
It's so-o-o-o good not to have to do that anymore!
Never...which is good now that I reflect on it...
Konwing what I know now, I was TOO SUCCESSFUL.
Minimus said it quite well, though: "but I hated service and only went out because I was supposed to."
I'll never do that again.
How did those that you "helped" to learn the "truth" handle your leaving???