Canada exploring changes to tax rules that exempt religious organizations

by Scully 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vidiot
    hoser - Pierre jr, aka Justine trudeau has been in for 10 years and the country is a financial mess”

    Not gonna lie…

    …I got laid off from jobs way more times during Jr.’s tenure than during Harper’s.

    Partly COVID’s fault, but still…

  • blondie

    hoser, so far there are term limits for US presidents, 2 terms (not necessarily consecutive). DT has hinted he would like to have a third term, would have to be a constitutional change. No term limits Supreme Court though. Term limits on people in Congress, 2 yrs representatives, 6 years senators, but can keep running and be elected to another term.

  • hoser

    I haven’t heard a peep from any jw about this.

    Usually it’s talked about as potential persecution among the jws even though it wouldn’t stop them from worship, it would just make it more expensive for them to do it.

    This bill still might have a chance to make it as the liberal government is still in power even as Justine Castro Trudeau has stepped down.

    We will get a new liberal prime minister, either mark carney or Chrystia freeland. There are rumours that Jagmeet Singh might do another back room deal with the liberals to extend the government to October of this year.

    As far as I’m concerned the bill should pass. Entities that do not provide social services to Canadians don’t deserve a tax break. Advancement of religion should not be by itself a charitable cause in regards to tax breaks.

    Watchtower Canada purchased 30 condos in the GTA last year to house volunteers while they renovate their residences at the branch. They will be selling those condos when the job is done. They should pay the property and capital gains on this like any other real estate investor.

  • Vidiot

    Re. the impending election…

    …it occurred to me that if Poilievre and the Conservatives decided to back this, they’d almost certainly win over a LOT of Canadian XJWs.

    It may not be an overly large voting bloc, but still…


  • truthlover123

    Please, please let it go through. It's time. This no tax goes back to medieval times - people have been subject to threats from their priests/ministers/ elders - to pay or go to hell. JW same - hands up! another announcement for funds and Jehovahs blessing on you. God forbid no one opposes! "We are doing the only worldwide work - just build another hall with benches in Africa."

  • Diogenesister
    Jan from Tam Or would churches that also engage in charitable activities be exempt? Most churches , certainly here in the UK , do strive to help people who are not congregation members in all sorts of ways

    Jan I think it would only apply to religions whose "charitable" work involves promoting religion in a purely circular way ie in order to DIRECTLY gain converts(such as Watchtower). Ie not in the incidental way most religions who engage in charitable work aside from their faith, do.

    That's my take anyway. I would imagine (or hope) the no anti abortion stance would involve charitable work solely on a pro life protest stance. (It would be awful if it were denied to charities that help young single mums to stay afloat, say). It would be crazy because I doubt there's one single religion out there that doesn't aim to help mums keep their babies. Or at least be supportive of that outcome.

  • Vidiot
    hoser - “…I haven’t heard a peep from any jw about this... Usually it’s talked about as potential persecution among the jws…”

    Ten bucks says the ones who are aware of it probably have enough brains to realize that trying to spin “paying back Caesar’s things to Caesar” as “persecution” would just make ‘em look like a bunch of numbskulls.

  • Phizzy

    " would churches that also engage in charitable activities be exempt? ".

    Churches should, if the Act is structured properly, be compelled to separate their main Church Business from the Charitable work, and have a stand alone Charity that can be scrutinised as to how the donations are spent.

    If this is not done a HUGE Tax Avoidance Scheme is still in place, as used at present by the J.W org. and by the Salvation Army etc.

  • blondie

    Vidiot, "would just make ‘em look like a bunch of numbskulls." Too late! The WTS has done that so many times.

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