But instead of doing anything immediatly I let over 2000 years go by still human kind is suffering. My followers are abusing children hiding behind my name. Wars are being fought both sides say it is in my name that they fight. Oh yeah before I was Jesus I did the same thing that my followers are doing now using my chosen people. Killing women and children enslaving foriegners making later generations pay for the sins of their ancestors. That's right grandparents won't see their grand kids because their 18 year old son had sex or smoked a cigarette and never repented. I have the power to stop all of this but nobody knows the day or the hour that I will. But I will have faith I will. Oh yeah you better have faith that I will do what I say or in 50 trillion years you won't be one second closer to the end of your punishment then you are right now.
Your question is a very good question. The answer has to take into account several things, love, free will and omniscience. God created mankind for a love relationship, to give love or to receive love it has to be a free will choice. If God were to create a universe where all the possibilities would lead to salvation, that would be a violation of free will. One cannot grant free will and then violate it. Some abuse this freedom by hurting their fellow man and that is where most of the world’s suffering comes from.
Theologically, when man told God to stay out of his life God partially honored that request, and creation lost its perfection, and we now don’t live in the world God design for us to live in.
Since we are using the account in the Bible let’s keep it within the parameters of Christianity. God offers everyone eternal life. This come with some conditions, believe certain things, and live a life accordingly. Very simple. That sounds like a great deal. I live life accordingly for approx. 70 years and my reward is eternal bliss. Now the flip side. If I offend God there a punishment. The Canaanites were not innocent. They were a vile people who practiced some of the lowest form of immorality. (Lev. 18:25). God waited patiently for hundreds of years [Gen 15:16] but the Canaanites did not repent. When judgement fell God like a surgeon amputated the cancer. At this time Israel was unique. Never before or after has there been a theocracy, Israel was ruled and directed by God, and God’s extermination was a direct command from God. Israel as a theocracy was an instrument of judgment in the hands of God.
Most people make God out to be this beast by taking verses in isolation. But let’s look at the whole picture. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah clearly demonstrates that God would save a whole city for ten righteous people (Gen. 18:22f.). In that incident, when God could not find ten righteous people, He took the four or five righteous ones out of the place so as not to destroy them with the wicked (Gen. 19:15). On another occasion God saved some thirty-two thousand people who were morally pure (Num. 31:35). Another notable example is Rahab, whom God saved because she believed (cf. Heb. 11:31). And in the Gospels Jesus who is God sacrifices Himself taking our place, taking upon Himself the punishment that we justly deserve.
What one should be asking is, “Why does God allow me to live?” Since God is a holy and just God, He should not allow sin to exist. He is within His right to extinguish any life that is marred by sin. So why are we still here? Maybe, it’s because He is a loving God, who is extending His hand out to you, and waiting patiently for you to answer.