New GB member Judy Jedele critizing Job's "humility" while wearing $20,000 Rolex, gold cuff links, coloured suit. Incredible!

by WingCommander 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander

    I swear, you can't make this shit up!

    For years and years growing up in this cult, I had to constantly hear from my parents, from the stage, in the literature, about "Keeping your eye simple", not being "materialistic", not "having a showy display of one's wealth." Of course, this never seemed to apply to the wealthy business owning Elduhzzzz who ran and Lorded it out over the Congregations, but I digress.

    Ladies and Gentleman, I give you: The Governing Body.

    I first noticed this blatant flaunting several years ago with several GB members, as well as some of the higher up GB helpers. Anthony Moron da Turd, Lett-the-Clown, etc. Rolex watches, gold pinky rings, gold cuff links on French cuffed dress shirts, fitted suits, etc. It's totally in your face if you know what you're looking at. I think the GB are betting that most JW's are rubes, poor uneducated SUCKERS who wouldn't know a Rolex from a Timex, because most JW's would never be able to afford to set foot into a Rolex AD or fine high-end watch shop. But I do. I know what the hell I'm looking at, because I've probably owned $50,000 of watches in my lifetime. Easy.

    Newest GB member and real estate mogul (how convenient!) Judy Jedele shows up talking about Job not showing enough "humility" in some weird talk and basically beats the poor old guy down. I mean, WTF??? He lost his whole family and was near death, all in a bet between God and Satan that was completely unknown to him. Anyway, Judy shows up in a colourful fitted suit, French cuffed dress shirt with cuff links, and of course, a two-tone Rolex. Two-tone Rolexes sport REAL gold, and are on average a good $20,000 USD. I can't see the dial, but if it's a SERTI dial - Oh my! But I saw the clasp, and I know a Rolex when I see one. The IRONY that Judy would give this talk about "humility" all the while dressed to the nines in what would cost more than many JW's make in a year if you added it all up is absolutely jaw-dropping. (Rolex, fitted suit, shoes, jewelry. Could = $40,000, easy.) Truly, these clowns cannot hear and see themselves speaking. And in these times, they also apparently can't "read the room."

    This in-your-face display of wealth from supposedly "humble Princes among men" is so over-the-top as to be simultaneously insulting and comical at the same time. I mean, you can't make this shit up! These are the same clowns that demand all of your time, tell the rank-n-file to quit their jobs to Pioneer or volunteer to build JW real estate, tell kids to donate their ice cream and allowance money, etc. And don't forget the "Estate Planning Brochure", used by your local Elduhzzz to guilt your parents into donating every last dime to WatchTower instead of leaving it to their children as the bible actually instructs. Or how about donation boxes at refugee camps? The audacity!

    Here's a link to the Reddit thread discussing Judy's weird talk, and it has video embedded showing his obvious Rolex watch and other jewelry. As I've stated many times before, this is NOT the same cult I grew up in. No! This is now a televangelist cult spectacle of disgusting proportions. My parents must be spinning in their graves.

    Rolex wearing GB member stating Job lacked humility. SMFH!

  • ukpimo

    Oh this is just a general example of the great many hypocritical things the GB do. Remember Herd's Rolex and Lett's pinky rings? And let's not forget the million dollar suits that they wear on Broadcasts!

    Additionally, as I always say about new GB members, new changes occur when additions are made. Mr Jedele's introduction to the GB strangely coincided with the "don't ask, don't tell" adjustment towards "marital intimacies".

    Someone new on the GB still wanted a BJ from their wife!

  • jhine

    They have a woman on the GB ?

    Jan from Tam

  • WingCommander


    No, his name is Judy. I've known men named Marion. It happens.

  • TD

    True. It does happen

    Marion can be either a French diminutive of Marie (Feminine) or a Latin derivative of Marianus (Masculine)

    Naming a male child Judy goes contrary to the name's origin.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    I thought it was Jody

  • LongHairGal


    I thought his name was Jodi or Jody. Whatever.

    These JW guys are apparently following in the footsteps of other flashy televangelists we have seen over the years.. So, everybody can totally forget about any semblance of humility or Christianity - if it was ever really there in the first place!

  • WingCommander

    Haha! You're right; it's "Jody."

    Not much better, honestly. He's still a douche for rubbing his wealth in the faces of the pauper rank-n-file Sheeple.

  • LongHairGal


    You are right about the many ‘pauper rank-n-file Sheeple’. Meanwhile, no social programs or help from the religion they slaved for.

    And why are these Sheeple in this bad shape?? Because they foolishly followed advice from the JW religion not to get careers. . And what do these now broke older Witnesses get for pioneering for 40 years?? They are told they have ‘served Jehovah with a complete heart’.😮

    Imagine hearing this from some idiot JW?? So Glad I never paid any mind to what they said years ago.

  • WingCommander


    Here's what really gets me and is crazy:

    If you followed the WT's advice to a "T" like it's God's word as they say it is, you're poor, broke, in bad health, shit job, etc. Nothing to look forward to except bad health and the grave.

    Now, if you did almost exactly the OPPOSITE of what this cult told you do, and went out and got a specialized degree in STEM, Law, etc.......well then! The WatchTower will be glad to "use" you! Why, come right on up to WT HQ and live the good life.

    See, if you've got ZERO specialized skills and are accepted to Bethel, expect to be cleaning toilets, waiting tables, working a bindery or press, packing boxes, working kitchen and laundry. (actually, they did away with those last 2 at the new WT HQ) You'll live dorm-style with other poor worker slaves and you'll like it, or else! But oh golly gee, if you're a Lawyer, IT specialist, Audio/Visual specialist, health care worker (for their Fishkill retirement community) well then! You get all the good living conditions and special treatment. No scrubbing toilets for you!

    I had a Presiding Overseer who died tragically young in his 40's. At his funeral (biggest one I ever saw for a JW), I was treated to facts I never knew about him. Like how when he was a teenager, he was a star high school basketball player. That he arranged Congregation baseball and basketball games. This was a shock to me, as I was never invited to these Congregation games. (I didn't kiss his or anyone else's ass, and my father was considered weak in the faith) I was also floored that someone who played the very worldly sports that were totally denied to me and others my age, not only got away with it without being ostracized, but actually THRIVED in the religion and became an Elduh and PO! But, when you work for Elduhz, then break off and start your own construction business, your money in the donation box gets you all kinds of special treatment. Such is the the life of these hypocritical douchebags. And that is EXACTLY what these con-artists are: greedy, hateful, hypocritical douchebags. They'll deny everyone else these things right from the stage, while they themselves have and do them. Seen it my entire life growing up in this cult. It's always been, "Do as we say, no as we do" and "Rules for thee, but not for me!" religion. Any wonder why so many of us are bitter and pissed off? Just seeing these holier-than-thou slimeballs on the Broadcasts makes me physically ill and angry. If Jesus were here in the flesh, he'd straight up tell them: "Get behind Me, Satan!"

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