New GB member Judy Jedele critizing Job's "humility" while wearing $20,000 Rolex, gold cuff links, coloured suit. Incredible!

by WingCommander 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • LongHairGal


    Nah, I like my watches even though you can look at your phone for the correct time.

    But, my watches are more down to earth price-wise. My most expensive one is just over two grand purchased two decades ago. I believe that it is in poor taste for religious leaders in any religion to flaunt riches in the faces of the public.

  • Justaguy

    Smh, and this why the ex jw community is forever foolish. Rolex or not, its irrelevant. It has nothing to do with their flawed theology.

    Hang them for what really they do and say not what you imagine they did or said.

    And its not a rolex to boot.

  • WingCommander


    1. These supposed "Christ's Brothers" absolutely have a right to be examined, questioned, critiqued, and called out on their hypocritical bullshit. And dressing to the nines when you're constantly begging for money month after month definitely deserves calling out, just like any other televangelist douchebags.

    2. Oh, so it's not a Rolex? Is your real name by chance Jody? Don't you have some UK real estate to move?

    GTFOOH with your apologist BS.

  • LongHairGal


    I totally agree that people have the right to question and criticize religious leaders - especially if anything about them deviates from the high moral biblical standard that they purport to have.

    We can’t forget that many people on the forum may be active Witnesses (maybe even a few exes).. who have these religious leaders on a pedestal. There’s that holy mystique they confer upon them… I, myself, never believed this nonsense about anybody there - even when I was in the religion.

    That’s why you sometimes see downvotes when somebody posts something hard-hitting that seems ‘irreverent’ to these sacred cows. Some posters don’t like it.. Too bad.. That wouldn’t stop me from speaking my mind.

  • Justaguy

    Lmao…. Only on an ex jw forum could saying “rolexs have nothing to do with their flawed theology” make someone an “apologist”

    its not a rolex. They (gb) are frauds. Hang them for what they are, now what you want them to be.

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