New GB member Judy Jedele critizing Job's "humility" while wearing $20,000 Rolex, gold cuff links, coloured suit. Incredible!

by WingCommander 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • DisgruntledFool

    A FAKE Sky Dweller clasp...Can't be distinguished from a real one with just a photograph.

  • TonusOH

    I feel like I'm the only person here without some kind of expertise on watches.

  • WingCommander

    Ok, let's play the "Jody is wearing a fake Rolex" game. Or even, "he was gifted the watch."

    Not much better, honestly. He's still a douche for rubbing his "fake" or "perceived" wealth in the faces of the pauper rank-n-file Sheeple. There's nothing "humble" about it. It's all a big put-on, and a "showy display of material riches" for even appearing immodest like this. Certainly not the attitude one would expect from one of "Christ's Brothers."

    If it is fake, than in a way that is even more fitting, as it fits on these phony ass fake televangelist wannabe's.

  • Diogenesister

    😂😂another daft GB name! Judy? "Can be a boys name"? Yeah if you think that...I knew a Boy named Sue, too!

    NB Marion is an old Polish name and it's MariON not MariAN.

  • WingCommander

    If you like Jody, you're gonna LUV the other New Boy's name: Gage Fleegle.

    WTF kind of name is that? Who names these clowns? I say "New Boy" in Bethel jest of course, as these guys are simultaneously NOT "New Boys", but also are in fact "boys" compared in age to the other Ancient Worthies on the Gluttonous Body. They're practically children! Late 40's? Early 50's at most? Guess the sealing off of the Annointed actually didn't end in 1935, huh? LOL......what a load of horse shit!

  • Ugot2bekiddingme1

    Watchtower and the GB do nothing for me. What's the point of them?

  • Balaamsass2

    I am still waiting for an "Andre" to be appointed to the Governing Body. :)

  • blondie

    Balaamass2, I am so glad to see you posting again and frequently!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Will the Watchtower be coming out with a "pronouns" issue? Will the 2026 yeartext be "If thy schlong offends thee, cut it off?"

  • finishedmystery

    I am a minimalist. If I were on the GB they wouldn't know what to do with me. I have to drag my iphone around everywhere with me for business purposes and it already has the time. Who needs a watch. I saw this youtube video that says a watch implies that chicks would be cool with you. I guess if that were true I might wear one for chick magnet purposes.

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