Very interesting.
Europe, even Eastern Europe, appears to be in full-scale decline now. The only countries with modest growth are places where there are a lot of immigrants and refugees, and even so, virtually no EU country even reached 1% growth.
I think we can call the US as "flat" now. A change of +0.1% is for all practical purposes "0%". Given the creative "accounting" done by many congregation secretaries, not to mention flat-out errors, it is well within a "margin of error" for it to be 0%.
So, in Europe and the US, we have finally reached the "flat" stage. Growth is effectively dead. They can't even replace the number lost to death, disfellowshipping, and inactivity.
And it will get worse. They are rolling out their "master plan" of closing Kingdom Halls, merging congregations, making rural elderly JWs travel greater distances to attend meetings in Kingdom Halls filled with strangers while their lifelong friends get assigned elsewhere....
All of which is utterly morale-busting. They might be able to cobble together a few more years of 0% or -1%, but by 2020, the decline will be blindingly obvious to those left remaining.
JWs are all but finished in the US and Europe. Now begins the decades-long slow death spiral.