xjw_b12 AND
minimus AND
Holey Cheeses King of the juice!
Maybe your under developed minds can't comprehend (Sorrry- I need to use smaller words) You just don't have the smallest brain to figure out anything of the bible. Its the simplest of all childrens bible stories The Ten Virgins.
10 virgins
5 are discreate
5 are foolish
folish go and buy oil
oil is gods oil of exaltaion
but only the people of the mark of the wild beast can buy or sell
buy and sell this oil AKA holy spirit AKA bible
I am against WATCHTOWER AND AWAKE they take away from gods word
they sell and buy oil
they sell their beliefs and people buy into them and become exulted
only Christ can give this oil
We know the watchtower society was false in predicting ahrmegedon/// they are the evil slave that said' my master is delaying'
they beat also their fellow slaves //// by predicting harmegedon, when it didn't come they thought that it would be the people living in kthe generation of the World Wars when 1918 came and Jesus is supposidly in rulership already
By this thinking nobody could partake unless they lived in that generation they in a scence beat their fellow slaves and become drunk/// intoxicated--, drunk with the blood of the prophets, desensitized to reality.
If these buy and sell of this oil , revelation mark of wild beast 666
Matthew 25:49 Evil slave eating and drinking with the confirmed drunkards.......
Matthew 25 For the Kingdom of the heavens is like ten virgins.....five wise, five fooish...........For the foolish took their lamps, but took no oil with them.
Any one have any questions? or any more comments?