To those who maybe confused a little!!!! to cheezebrain, minymouse&who RU?

by elumn8 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby
    God gave us the bible; and in order to understand it you must ask for his holy spirit to guide you through it.

    You have got to be shittin me!

    Do you mean to tell me all this time that I have been dumbfounded with the bible and confused........that I could have eliminated the confusion if I had just asked god to reveal it to me? Damn! I don't know why I always run into guys like you when it's too late.

    BTW.........if you give minimus, cheeses, or JH anymore trouble, I'm going to have vivs mother, (her name is country woman and she's mean ), beat the hell out of you! Now be good!


  • minimus

    Who is this kook? And whatever pictures he's trying to show, it's not coming through my computer. I gotta give him or her credit for being a good pot stirrer. Although I don't know what's cookin'.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Sounds like a little bit of Fred Hall in there. Bad grammar, can't spell, quoting scripture that makes no sense.

    Let's see if he mentions anything about Jessica Alba or cats.

  • elumn8


    Well I tryied to make things simple but unfortunalty some people don't understand me, I don't understand Brummie


    Do you ever have anything intelligent to say or are you just obsessed over psyco's that you find on the internet? I know you love fruitcake. I'd say you two have something in common your a FRUIT. Maybe thats the reason why you made your name 'king of the juices' cause you like to make a lot of juices

    You don't have a clue what we are talking about eh. Well um hm maybe king of the juicies can hook you up to some of his Juice scince he seems to at least respond in a higher form of stupidity from all that juice in his brain.
    Heres some advice.... change your profile pic. Its giving me too many psyco flash backs of when I was at the KH!!
    I think your demonized or another possibility is that your a Minimus clone. Either way please don't hurt me. I pwomise that I'll be as sweat as a cheezeball and maybe I'll try to be as stupid as a Gumball that way I will always be protected by the mentaly-challenged
    and if not your going to send your mother? whata baby, stick up for yourself

    WOW you completed a sentence this time.. GOODJOB you are really starting to develope your skills in here aren't you. Keep up the good job.
    El Kabong

    Yes I know even with one or two letters misspelled some just can't use intelegence to figure out what it alllll means. DUUUUUUUUUUUUUH
    and to the rest of you out there that didn't post.... please show me theres intelect out there somewhere PLEASE!

  • searchfothetruth


    I've got to admit that I didn't understand a word of what you said. I think that by insulting the people that you are insulting isn't going to make you very popular, they are well respected on this forum.

    Now if you insulted would probably get given a medal.

  • ballistic

    Based on the grammatical mannerisms in that reply, I would say there is an 80% chance that elumn8 is one of our longest standing and most prollific trollers who has a history of multiple accounts / personas.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong
    Yes I know even with one or two letters misspelled some just can't use intelegence to figure out what it alllll means. DUUUUUUUUUUUUUH
    and to the rest of you out there that didn't post.... please show me theres intelect out there somewhere PLEASE!

    ONE OR TWO LETTERS MISSPELLED???!!!! Bwaaahahahahahahahahahahaha. Yeah, we kind of get what you mean. However, your lack of command of the english language discredits any argument you may possibly have and makes you look like a DUMBASS.

    Are you going to ask for puddy love next??????

  • minimus

    Does anybody know how FRED HALL's doing???

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Prof. DP Gumby speaks:

    My brain hurts.

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Well another day has dawned and still dcapat8 is out and about. Don't worry, I'm sure someone will come looking for him shortly once it's noticed that his straightjacket hasn't been slept in.

    Big Tex - Is that really a pic of our boy constip8? That must be a bandage on his head from the failed frontal lobotomy. Can't really be sure whether the formation of his arms are from being in handcuffs for an extended period, or if it's from swinging from branch to branch.

    But we are left with no uncertainty about the origins of the hand formation - obviously from gripping something small and short, for too long and too often.

    eradic8 - I can't but help believe that deep down you are a real charmer, it's just that you don't want to show it.

    lighten up, before Viv's mum decides to extermin8 (or so says gumby).

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