To those who maybe confused a little!!!! to cheezebrain, minymouse&who RU?

by elumn8 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • outoftheorg

    Hey guys, that is exactly how I sounded, when I went door to door with the wbts publications.

    No wonder, no one ever bought any!!

    Outoftheorg of the I babble also class

  • foreword

    This guy is obsessed with virgins.....

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Fruitcake. First name? - Nutty as a ?

    Me? A bully? Never? Exercise caution in choosing your associates is all I can advise.

    No drugs in elumn8's life? or, no life in eleumn8's drugs? Check the strength, or perhaps take them more often.

    cheeses just being frivolous

  • gitasatsangha

    I think he said something about virgins needing oil on their wedding night. While this is not really bad advice, something more water soluble like KY jelly might be in order.

  • Satanus

    You guys a just way tooo funny!


  • elumn8


    refiners fire

    You know I try to please the ones who don't quite understand lets hope I don't have to spell it out for you guess! OK now for your answer...

    Yes, only the foolish bought oil--- Matthew 24:10 "While they were going off to buy, the bridegroom arrived, and the virgins that were ready went in with him to the marriage feast;and the door was shut."

    I find that the oil has many meanings...( I try to make things simple) just call it 'oil of exhultation' Hebrews 1:9 "....That is why God, your God, anointed you with oil of exultation...."

    Yes only the mark of the wild beast can buy and sell and they sell just more than the OIL of exhultation. Revelation 13:17 "and that nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name"

    now to sum this up for ya... yeah holy spirit is in a sence the bible... God gave us the bible; and in order to understand it you must ask for his holy spirit to guide you through it. Once you find what the holy spirit has shown you it is like an oil that gives you exhultation because you know that its Jehovah that exulted you and
    NOT THE WATCHTOWER AND AWAKE exulting you cause you finished your sunday study.

    I hope this cleared up some confusion you had, and good luck refiners fire


    I'm not understanding you... out off all the postings you've posted and yet its like you have virgin ears when someone says something about the Bible ... you say "HUH????????????" and still continue to ask questions.

    And Fruitcake

    I wuv you so much I know they are bullies and push me arround. But you'll protect me won't you :-*


    I think DJ and cheezeboy are in love with each other


    I love you too


    VIRGINS.... Did somebody say VIRGINS!!!!


    lay off the fruitcake dude, seriously

  • Brummie
    I try to make things simple

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.


    Don't tell they've let you out unsupervised again - I just hope you're primed up on your uppers.

    DJ & me? I was trying to keep secret my relationship with him/her. Seems to be a good judge of character though as far as you are concerned.

    I promise I will lay off fruitcake, especially since I was almost sh****g my self with laughter fear over your threat. Obviously anyone who teams up with you needs to be at the least pitied, and foremost, in need of some refreshing psychological counselling.

    Take on cheeses as a refreshment to your souls (or maybe I'll just do as mini and xjw have done, and ignored you as a snivelling little prat). Besides. Hitler & Nazis - there that should bring it to a close.

  • ballistic

    I must say this thread at least made me laugh. Is it trolling season again or have we got yet more people stumbling onto JWD sessions in internet-cafes with no idea what they are talking about???

  • SYN

    E8, a word to the wise, you need to edit your post and remove the picture links - they reveal personal information about yourself.

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